Monday 27 July 2009

July 2009 AGENDA


10 Mallard Way, Aldermaston. RG7 4UT
Email –

You are summoned to the meeting of Midgham Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 28th July 2009 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.


Election of Chairman:

Apologies for absence:

Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2009.

Matters arising including Midgham Green and Parish Plan update.

Budget & Expenditure review

Village Hall - including cleaning required and risk assessments

Councillor Vacancies

Birds Lane Garden - Maintenance

Clerks’ report: Financial statement:
Bills to be paid - £76.00 Gardenmo
CPRE annual membership £29.00
ISS Waterers - £359.08

Planning Applications

08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – wood burning stove – application withdrawn.
09/01032/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – Detached Garage
Mulberry House, Carbinswood Lane – Appeal

Decision 09/00530/HOUSE Tree House Bailiffs House – Approved
09/00480/CERTE Hall Court Farm - Approved

Correspondence: WBC - Next District Parish Conference Event - Weds 9 Sept
WBC – Clear Streets Parking Strategy
Readibus – Annual General Meeting – 2nd July 2009
WINGS 2009 Showcase – Scouts & Girl guides event w.c. 1 August 2009
Open Spaces Society A.G.M. 30 June 2009
West Berks Heritage Forum 29th July, Shaw House
West Berks CAB – Letter of thanks.

Play area: Inspection report Derek
Date of next meeting: To be arranged

MPC Minutes June 2009

The June meeting was not held as the council was not quorate.

MPC Minutes May 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday May 21st 2009 at 6.30 p.m.

Present were Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, Mr D Lombardo, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill, district councillor, and two members of the public.

Mr Ormrod was unanimously elected as Chairman for the meeting.

Mr Sawyer had tended a letter of resignation effective immediately. Mr Ormrod noted the council’s thanks for all his hard work. Mr Ormrod also noted that due to work commitments he will be resigning within the next two months but offered to stay on until then in order to bridge any gap left by these resignations.

Apologies were received from Mr R Disson.

Declarations of interest: there were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Nursery Copse – date of Inquiry now set for 22.09.09.
Dog fouling notices have been purchased for footpath through Midgham Park.
Midgham Green. Unable to confirm if letter has been issued to residents.
Blocking of footpath by church – still ongoing.

Annual Accounts y.e. 31.03.09

The clerk presented the accounts for 2008/2009 and noted that the internal audit had been completed. They were approved by the council, proposed by Mr Ormrod and seconded by Mr Goddard and were signed by the Chairman. The councillors noted the comments of the internal auditor and agreed to review budget and expenditure at the next meeting paying particular attention to the contingency sum.

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £540.28 d/a £20,985.74
Bills to be paid - £108 Gardenmo
£125.75 PO Box Annual Fee
£363.27 Parish Council Insurance
£587.44 Clerks quarterly salary & reimbursements
£50.00 Internal Auditor
£30.00 CCB Subscription
£180.00 Village Hall Rental
£150.00 Grant to CAB for outreach work

The councillors present approved these amounts for payment with the exception of the PO Box renewal which will be allowed to lapse.

Correspondence WBC has confirmed that the mobile library will park in Goddard Drive.

Play Area No problems to report. Hedge may need to be cut back further in the future.

Public Time Pot holes appearing in Church Hill and overgrown footpath on A4 to be reported to WBC.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.00pm.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 at 7.30pm.

MPC Minutes April 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday April 28th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson(Chairman), Mr S Sawyer (vice Chairman), Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, Mr D Lombardo, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, and two members of the public.

Apologies – there were no apologies received.

Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer declared an interest in Midgham Green as he lives there and Mr Disson declared an interest in Colthrop as he lives nearby.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Footpath 5 – WBC have contacted the owner of the land and a drain is going to be built soon.
Dog fouling – up to £70 has been authorised for the purchase of two notices.
New Road Hill – reply received from WBC that work is not scheduled there for a number of years although they accept that the carriageway needs to be resurfaced and new highway drainage installed. Clerk to write to obtain an estimate for resurfacing and installation of a drain, and also for an update on S106 monies available.
Midgham Green – Chairman will be issuing a letter to Midgham Green residents about the footpath.
Vehicle still parked blocking footpath by Church – clerk to write to the owner on behalf of the parish council.
Annual Village Meeting – will now be held on 21st May together with the parish council meeting. The Chairman reported that due to other commitments he will be unable to attend meetings for the next three months.

Public Time

Holly hedges in School hill are still overgrown and need cutting back. They will be cut back after 1st July (to protect birds)
The verges at the bottom of Church Hill towards Reading are not being cut back. Clerk to report to WBC.
Clerk will reissue councillors contact details.

District Councillor’s Report – there was no report as the District Councillor was not present.

Village Hall Discussion

Accounts and annual report were circulated and discussed. Trustees details held by the Charities Commission have been updated as have the signatories at the bank.
Chairman proposed recommencing work on the steps outside the hall and Mr Lombardo agreed to advise on the recommended depth of the steps. Mr Sawyer abstained from the vote which was otherwise agreed unanimously.

Parish Plan
The committee are applying for grants and the sum of £250 was agreed as a loan until such grants come through.

Midgham Green Maintenance
Mrs Rusbridge agreed to hold a meeting with the residents of the green to discuss the footpath and alternatives for the edging.
ISS Waterers will be asked to clear the leaves, aerate and top dress the green, and reseed with shade tolerant seed.

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £289.36 d/a £18,985.74
£1673.50 has been received from the insurance company IRO the bus shelter.

Bills to be paid: £150.00 CCB Community Buildings Advice Service.
£250.00 Parish Plan committee.
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications: 09/00440/MINMAJ Colthrop-adjoining parish
09/00441/FUL Panasonic House
09/00530/HOUSE Baillifs House-Tree House
09/00478/FUL Parkfield – adjoining parish
09/00480 Hall Court – certificate of lawfulness
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – additional drawings – no comments made.

Correspondence: Open Spaces – the councillors agreed not to make a donation.
District Parish Conference Event – 27th May – no councillors able to attend.
Mobile Library – Clerk to write to WBC to suggest that this could stop by the church or if this is not suitable, in Goddard Drive.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems to report. The new contractor has cut the grass and the hedge but it may be necessary to cut it shorter in the autumn.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 21st May 2009 at 6.30pm.

MPC Minutes March 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday March 25th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson(Chairman), Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill District Councillor and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr D Lombardo and Mr S Sawyer.

Declarations of interest: There were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: The footpath issues have been reported to WBC who is investigating what action is needed. They have also suggested putting up notices in areas affected by dog fouling. Clerk to investigate the purchase of notices.
The Chairman and Mr Goddard had attended the District Parish Conference. Access to the countryside and the Rights of Way Improvement plan were discussed as well as antisocial behaviour in West Berkshire.
Allotments – Mrs Rusbridge had made enquiries about the boundary issues with Woolhampton parish but had not elicited any concrete information. Clerk to maintain a list of requests for allotments.

Public Time
The logs on Midgham green were discussed together with difficulties for vehicles using the track. The chairman reiterated that the path across the green is a footpath which most vehicles do not have a right to drive across and therefore any damage to vehicles will not be the responsibility of the council. Residents are concerned that access is needed for various services.

Water running onto New Road Hill near to Midgham Green was also discussed again. Clerk to write to Mark Edwards, Head of Highways about the serious safety issues.

There was a discussion about travel tokens only being issued to people with disabilities as a cost saving initiative by WBC. It was noted that GPs have been receiving unprecedented requests for confirmation of disability as a result.

Holly hedges in School hill are overgrown and need cutting back.

District Councillor’s Report – WBC are now rated as a 3star authority, improving strongly.

Village Hall Discussion & Update

CCB are no longer able to fund a village hall advisor and have requested a subscription of about £150 to cover this post in future. Payment agreed in principle as Midgham are likely to need advice in this area in the future. Wendy Dacey to be invited to attend the Annual Village meeting in April.
There is a CCB meeting on 15 April.
It was noted that there must be a village hall AGM by the end of May and there are various other health and safety issues and legal requirements in order to comply with Charities Commission rules. Mr Berry will be asked to prepare the accounts and to change the trustee details. (proposed by Mrs Rusbridge, seconded by Mr Ormrod).

Parish Plan
The insurance company have confirmed that volunteers are covered by the parish council policy providing that a councillor attends the meetings and minutes of the meeting are kept.

New Bus Shelters
Both shelters have now been installed and compliments have been made by a number of residents.

Midgham Green Maintenance
Quotes were agreed for cutting the grass on the green, the play area, and outside the village hall. Scarifying and spiking of the green will also be carried out.
A letter had been received from a Midgham Green resident regarding the logs which have been placed around the green and a reply was discussed and agreed. Further poles will be placed around the green and Mrs Rusbridge explained that old telegraph poles are being replaced in Birds Lane, and the council may be able to utilise them for this purpose.

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £149.89 d/a £17,812.24

Bills to be paid: £173.25 Monksmead Farms - for logs
£46.00 Clerks training
£48.72 BALC Subscription
£94.06 Parish Plan Launch expenses

The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications: 09/00347/HOUSE 9 Rowlands Copse, Porch extension. No objections.

Decisions: 08/02412/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane. Application withdrawn

Correspondence: Already raised elsewhere.

Annual Village Meeting will be held on 30 April 2009. PCSO to be invited.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo was not present so no report was received.
In view of the special nature of the business about to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.
A resolution to exclude the public was moved in accordance with the council’s usual rules. There then followed a discussion concerning the council’s likely response to the planning appeal at Nursery Copse.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.10 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th April 2009 at 7.30pm.

MPC Minutes February 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday February 24th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr S Sawyer (Deputy Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, the Clerk Mrs.E Berry, Mrs I Neill District Councillor and four members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr R Disson and Mr J Ormrod.

Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer declared an interest in Midgham Green as he lives there.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: There were none.

Public Time The clerk was asked to check with WBC regarding the flooding of the footpath in Midgham Park. It was noted that the broken stile had been repaired in Midgham Park but another stile is broken on footpath 3 and the footpath sign in Birds Lane is currently obscured. The footpath sign by the church is not pointing along the footpath and there is a lot of dog fouling in the area. Additionally there has been vandalism and 4 separate incidents of criminal damage to a vehicle near the church, which have been reported to the community police officer.

District Councillor’s Report – Nursery Copse – Discussions are ongoing with the legal team and the certificate of lawfulness is still being considered. No date has been set for the appeal as yet.

The Council Tax rise has been set at 3.9%. Travel tokens for the elderly and disabled are likely to be cut.
There will be an initiative to encourage schoolchildren to walk or cycle to school.

Village Hall Discussion & Update – No news to report. Councillors to canvass for volunteers and report back to the next meeting.

New Bus Shelters Mr Disson had attended a site meeting with WBC representative and agreed the sites for the new shelters. Clerk to confirm continued action with Paul Hyde.

Fly Tipping in Birds Lane There had been some reports of fly tipping but it does seem to have been removed now.

Village Gateway signs Mr Sawyer raised the possibility of obtaining these together with reviewing the speed limits in the village. Clerk to contact WBC to obtain further information about the criteria for setting speed limits.

Midgham Green Maintenance – The logs have been placed around the green however the contractor failed to contact Mrs Rusbridge before hand to discuss their positions. It was expected that they would be laid lengthwise but they have been placed as stumps around the edges and it was felt that this will not serve the purpose. Mrs Rusbridge will take the matter up with the contractor. Letters have been received from Midgham Green residents expressing their dissatisfaction with the logs and their positioning which will be replied to following her investigations.
Quotes for maintenance of the green will be discussed at the next meeting.

Clerks’ report:Financial statement: c/a £233.08 d/a £18,312.24

Bills to be paid: Clerks salary & reimbursements £534.58. The councillors present approved this amount for payment.

Planning: New applications:

09/00124/HOUSE Mulberry House, Carbinswood Lane – The majority of councillors did not object to the application but noted that the proposed development is extremely large and queried whether it would be within current planning policy.

Decisions: 08/01909/FUL fence for tennis court at Bailiff’s House – conditional approval
08/02268/HOUSE Tree House at Bailiff’s House – application withdrawn.


Application for Renewal of Street Trading Consent for Sun Hill Lay By. No objections except that the application mentioned that the burger trailer would be open until 4.00am. Clerk to query this with WBC.

Woolhampton Parish council had replied concerning allotments. They state that they have no tenancy records relating to the boundary change in 1991 and confirm that they have a policy of requiring allotment holders to reside in Woolhampton. Clerk to make further enquiries of WBC and land registry concerning the boundary change and land ownership.

District Parish Conference Event 17 March 2009 will be held at 6.00pm in the council offices. Mr Disson will attend.

WBC has booked the village hall for the European parliamentary elections on 4th June 2009.

Parish Plan Update – Next meeting will be 2 March and the committee and organisation of volunteers will be discussed. A number of residents have expressed interest in helping with the plan. A request has been received for £200 loan from the parish council to fund activities in advance of grants coming through. Following a vote the amount was agreed in principle but it was noted that the parish plan committee would have to set up a bank account to receive the cheque, or claim the monies back after they have been purchased, as cash sums cannot be advanced. Proposed by S Sawyer, seconded D Lombardo. It was also suggested that the loan might not need to be repaid

It was confirmed that volunteers carrying out parish plan business will be covered by the parish council insurance.

Play Area – The bin does need emptying but no problems to report.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 March 2009 at 7.30pm.

MPC Minutes January 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 27th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, Mrs. E Berry the Clerk and three members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod. Mrs Neill, District Councillor arrived at 8.00pm

Declarations of interest: There were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: There were none.

Public Time Representations were made about a new drainage ditch at The Barn, Midgham Park, which may be causing flooding on to a footpath, Clerk to raise with the footpath officer at W.B.C. together with a broken stile between East Lodge and Midgham Park.
It was also noted that a vehicle is sometimes parked partially blocking a footpath near the church. The matter has been raised with the owner and resolved.

District Councillor’s Report – Nursery Copse – still ongoing. There has been an appeal against the enforcement notice.
Mrs Neill reported that the council are setting the budget for 2009/10 and are experiencing increased costs but some loss of revenue for example from car parking and reduced house building.

Village Hall Discussion & Update - There are still two people interested in serving on the village hall committee. Councillors agreed to canvass their own local area to see if anyone else is interested. W.B.C. has asked to rent the hall for an election which was agreed subject to them collecting the key the night before. The accounts and other arrangements will be discussed at the next meeting.

New Bus Shelters W.B.C. have raised a number of queries about installation and preparation of the areas where the new shelters will be sited. Mr Disson will liaise with the Public Transport Officer to resolve the issues including siting of services.

Midgham Green Maintenance – Mrs Rusbridge has now obtained the relevant quotes and will instruct the clerk on ordering as per the last meeting.

Clerks’ report:Financial statement: c/a £231.51 d/a £18,562.24

Precept 2009/2010 – A discussion document was circulated and the clerk and Chairman answered questions regarding the past and present budgets. After much discussion and a vote it was agreed to set the precept for 2009/10 at the level of £5,000 rather than £5500. This figure being £2,500 lower than last year to reflect the economic climate and the expected reduction in costs compared to last year.


Pang, Kennett & Lambourne Valleys Countryside Projects (FWAG) – clerk to enquire further regarding this correspondence.
St Matthew’s Parish Church – request for financial help with costs of grass cutting. £250 grant made. The councillors present approved this amount.
Open Spaces – request for a donation to legal funds. The parish council felt unable to make a contribution on this occasion.
District Parish Conference Agenda items. Planning enforcement & feedback suggested.
Provision of Mobile Youth work in West Berkshire. Councillors felt that there was little point in contributing towards purchasing expensive vehicles when the parish already has a village hall for this purpose.
Redevelopment of West Berkshire Museum – meeting on 11th Feb at Shaw House – noted.
Development Control Planning Meeting at Woolhampton Village Hall 12th February 2009.

Planning: New applications:

08/02320/CERTE Nursery Copse Certificate of Lawfulness
08/01909/FUL Bailiff’s Cottage – erection of fence to Tennis Court – no objections made.
08/02268/HOUSE Bailiffs Cottage – Tree house – Tree officer’s recommendation sought.
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – Wood Burning stove pipe – no objections made.
08/02412/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane, Attached Garage /office - Objection - a number of parishioners have raised points on this application which was fully discussed. Councillors noted that a previous application to build a separate bungalow on this site had been turned down and they felt that the size of the proposed building was inappropriate.

Decisions: 08/01877/FULD The Barn Old Acre - Approved

Parish Plan Update – Next meeting will be 2 February and committee and organisation of volunteers will be discussed. A number of residents have expressed interest in helping with the plan.

Play Area – No problems to report.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24 February 2009 at 7.30pm.