Monday, 21 April 2008

Mpc Agenda for Tuesday April 22nd 2008

For the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday April 22nd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:
Annual Village Meeting set for Thursday April 24th 2008
S106 details

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: c/a £1155.41 d/a £15145.01
Bills to be paid: Manscape Garden Service £556.05
R Disson stationery £73.15
E Berry stationery £134.96
Village Hall Rates Demand £63.76
Insurance Renewal £433.52

New applications:

08/00402/LBC2 Water Oak, Midgham Green Approved
08/00299/HOUSE 6 Midgham Park Cottages Approved


From A Clarke re corner of bird’s Lane and Church Hill
Parish Bids for Highway & Transport Capital Programme
Quality Design – West Berkshire Supplementary Planning Document

Play area:
Inspection report Derek
New play equipment James

Midgham Green maintenance:

Village Hall report: Moira

Date of next meeting: Tuesday May 27th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Mpc minutes Tuesday March 25th 2008


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday March 25th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Ormrod, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr. J Goddard, the Clerk Mrs.E Berry and one member of the public. Mrs I Neill the district councillor joined the meeting at 8.15pm.

Apologies were received from Mr. S Sawyer.

Declarations of interest: None

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:
Annual Village Meeting: 24 April 2008.The Chairman had drafted a new issue of the Midgham Messenger and Moira agreed to contact WBC to invite a speaker to attend to talk about the Parish Plan. A letter will also be sent out explaining the situation regarding the village hall.

Public time: Miss Hibberd noted that the bus shelter on the A4 has been blown over and the Chairman reported that WBC have already removed it and are considering a replacement.

District Councillor’s Report: The new waste contract has been signed and new bins should start to be delivered in April. Paices Hill site has reopened.
The Vibrant Villages scheme may be worth considering for future projects as grants may be available.
There is a planning workshop on delivering homes and Rural Housing on 6 May at Chieveley. The Chairman will be attending with one other to be arranged.
Nursery Copse – notice of compliance is progressing.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a 163.13 d/a £16145.01

Bills to be paid BALC Subscription £43.94
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment.

The clerk is applying for a licence to operate a reply paid envelope scheme for future exercises.

New applications:
08/00361/LBC Hall Court
08/00364/HOUSE Hall Court
08/00402/LBC2 Water Oak

08/00034/LBC 43 Birds Lane – Approved
08/00041/HOUSE 43 Birds Lane – Approved
07/00969/CERTE Mole End Certificate of lawfulness
07/02665/HOUSE Church View Farm – Approved
07/02760/FULD West Grange Hotel-Approved


A complaint had been received from Dr Markham at Mole End regarding a recent planning issue. Information had been sent to Dr Markham and to date no reply had been received.
Light Pollution – WBC do not have a specific policy on this but it was noted that the issue could be included in the Parish Plan as the councillors agreed that there is a marked increase in the use of lights at night.
District Parish Conference – Ray had attended and reported that WBC will soon be issuing information on procedures to take during emergencies such as the recent flooding. Parishes may need to identify vulnerable individuals within their area.
Parish Plan Conference – Moira attended and found it to be a very informative day which had provided lots of ideas and sources of help for the future. A ‘champion’ will need to be appointed to carry the parish plan forward. Ray & Moira will be attending a follow up meeting on 8 April.
Rates Demand for Village Hall – Moira will check with Chairman of village hall committee to see who usually pays this.
SCOPE no one was able to do house to house collection.
Royal Berks Fire and Rescue service consultation document circulated.
Children & Young Peoples Plan – Councillors unable to attend.
Community Policing Awards – details circulated
Planning & Trading Standards Road show – details circulated.
West Berks Foster Care Association – request received too late for consideration.

Play Area No problems to report.

New Play Area James is still researching this.

Midgham Green: Contractors, PJ Lush, have started work on the trees. The new path and the turning circle have been marked out and Mr Lovell will begin work shortly..

Village Hall Report:

A downpipe is blocked and a contractor will be called to identify the problem. The vacuum cleaner has broken and the councillors agreed to the purchase of a new one.

Any Other Business

Moira proposed nomination of John Goddard to attend the Royal Garden Party. Seconded by Derek.

A query was raised about S106 money and the clerk was asked to contact Caroline Walsh to find out when the funds can be expected.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 22 April 2008 at 7.30 p.m.