Friday 18 January 2008


For the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 22nd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:
Letter from British waterways
Annual Village Meeting set for Thursday April 24th 2008

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: c/a £546.39 d/a £16956.20
Bills to be paid: Mrs. M. Cowdery £25.00 framing parish map
Orchard Street Furniture £469.65 new seat
Manscape ? grass cutting
Midgham Village Hall ? annual rent for meetings

New applications:
07/02665 Church View Farm Extension.
07/02470 Land at Midgham Landfill site - Approved

WBC Light Pollution
WBC District Parish Conference
Play area:
Inspection report Derek
New play equipment James

Midgham Green maintenance:
Quotations for work

Cox’s Lane/Bird’s Lane one way system: Ray

Village Hall report: Moira

Date of next meeting: Tuesday February 26th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL - DEC07 minutes (unapproved)

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday December 18th 2007 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr. R. Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr. J. Ormrod, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, the Clerk Mrs. M. Cowdery and the Clerk elect Mrs. E. Berry. Also present were one member of the public, and Mr. S. Angell Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee.

Apologies were received from Mr. S. Sawyer who was on holiday, and Mrs. I. Neill (District Councillor) who was attending another meeting.

Declarations of interest:
None were declared.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Appointment of new Clerk:
Mr. Disson and Mr. Sawyer had appointed Mrs. Elizabeth Berry to succeed Mrs. Cowdery as Clerk to the Council, as from December 1st 2007. Mrs. Berry signed her Contract of Employment with the Council.

Matters arising:
Flooding issues: Mr. Disson had attended a further meeting at WBC to discuss future policies to deal with flooding issues. He reported that each Parish Council will receive an Emergency Plan Template in the form of a folder which will contain contacts (names and numbers) and outline procedures that should be followed should flooding occur any time in the future.
A report of the problems experienced in Midgham during the July floods has been sent to Andrew Reynolds at WBC, with recommendations for remedial work. Some of this work has already been carried out.

Public time:
Miss Hibberd reported that the hedge at the top of Church Hill is overgrown and is protruding over the road. The Clerk was asked to contact Mr. Michael Goddard, who owns the land, to ask him to cut the hedge back.

Village Hall report:
Mr. Angell (Chairman of the Village Hall Management Committee) explained the problems the Village Hall Committee was having in progressing the works to the new access. He also updated the Council on works in progress to improve the heating system of the hall.
Mr. Disson suggested that in the light of the current problems being experienced with contractors by the Village Hall Committee, there should be a closer working relationship between the PC and the Village Hall Committee.
It was further suggested that a meeting be arranged between members of the Parish Council and the Village Hall Committee to fully discuss the current and future projects planned for the Village Hall.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £246.39 d/a £17,256.20
Bills to be paid: Mrs. M. Cowdery £378.58 salary + £12.88 expenses = £391.46
HM Revenue and Customs £106.92
The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
Finalise precept for 2008/09: after much discussion it was agreed to set the precept for 2008/09 at the level of £7,500.00. This figure includes the sum of £1,500.00 to support projects for the Village Hall, and £3,000.00 for the husbandry work deemed necessary for the Midgham Green.

Play Area in Bird’s Lane: During discussions on the precept the matter of enhancing the Play Area is Bird’s Lane was raised. Mr. Lombardo would like to see a small garden area with bench, whereas Mr. Ormrod would like to see some play equipment for the children. Mr. Ormrod was charged with looking into the costs relating to instalment, insurance, inspection etc. of having play equipment in situ.

New applications:
07/02432 Berkshire Arms new illuminated totem sign – object - sign too large;
light pollution; unnecessary change.
07/02180 King Meadow Farm hay store extension approved
07/02109 Copse House, New Road Hill pitched roof link approved

WBC School admissions policy
Housing Land Proposals
Annual Parish Questionnaire
Electoral Register for 2008
Postwatch – the Clerk was asked to write to express the Councils concern over plans to close
The Post Office at Chapel Row.
Thames Valley Police Neighbourhood Policing – the Clerk was asked to invite the Chief Inspector to the Annual Village Meeting which would be held on Thursday April 24th 2008.
Nigel Jefferies Landscapes
BALC Councillor Training – Aylesbury February 2nd – the new Clerk was advised that this could be a useful course for her to attend.

Midgham Green:
Maintenance quotations: Several quotations for the work on Midgham Green have been received. It was decided to make the final decision in January as to which contractor to use.
It was suggested that all Councillors should meet with the contractor on The Green to finally decide what actually needs to be done.
Seat: Mr Ormrod has received a verbal quotation of £70 for the repair of the seat on Midgham Green. It was decided to wait for a written quotation with description of work entailed, before going ahead with the work.

Replacement seat by church:
Mr. Ormrod and Mrs. Rusbridge had obtained information on a suitable replacement seat from Orchard Street Furniture UK. The seat chosen was Coxes style in Green Oak, 1800mm long at a cost of £349.70 plus £30 carriage. The Clerk was instructed to place the order for the seat.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 22nd January 2008 at 7.30 p.m.