Sunday, 13 May 2012

Parish Council Meeting 17 May 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 17 May 2011 in the Village Hall at 8.15pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) plus 1 members of the public 1. Election of Chairman – HL expressed an interest to stand down but agreed in the absence of a successor he would remain until a suitable candidate was found. He was also willing to remain on the council to maintain numbers even if another chairman is found. DL, RN, HH stated that would not like to accept the role of Chair. DL proposed and RN seconded HL to re-elect HL as chair and agreed we would actively seek new members. 2. Acceptance of Office and Declarations of Interest – All councillors present were adopted as the new council following the uncontested election. Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interest forms were duly signed. 3. Apologies for absence Mr J Carey (JC) sent apologies due to work commitments. Mrs I Neill (IN) apologised as had another meeting. 4. Declarations of interest - None 5. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 22 March 2011 were approved and signed. 6. Matters arising not on the agenda Street Trading : WBC have requested that we review/consider whether the parish would benefit from some street trading such as ice cream vans or whether such activities should be banned. ACTION: Clerk to respond to WBC as follows: No ban on street selling wanted but raise concerns re car selling activities at side of road which happens regularly on the A4 at Brimpton Road junction – alternative measures to restrict this activity should be considered ie enforcement or bollards to restrict access. 7. Annual Village Meeting – agenda and responsibilities for the meeting were agreed. 8. Toad Hall Sewerage System - Planning application still pending - DL raised the issue that Hodges had paid M Inwood for the posts to be installed following the work but NO labour costs were included. DL will pursue. 9. Midgham Rail Bridge Safety Improvements Clerk advised that she had submitted comments to WBC as discussed at previous meeting with following response: - The model is believed to be accurate and that queuing not expected to be any worse than model suggests, - Scheme should reduce speed, - Width restriction on this road is a separate issue and would require separate and wider consideration - WBC had not ruled out testing temporary lights as we requested. HH reported that local residents believe that proposal to install lights on the bridge may be an advantage as it may slow traffic. Await further communication from WBC. 10. Flooding - a meeting is planned for 18 May with Stuart Clark of West Berkshire Council – HH and HL attending. 11. Public Time – Di raised concerns that there appear to be some works being undertaken in the barn at Nursery Copse – ACTION: DL to inspect. 12. Clerks’ report: • The clerk presented end of year accounts for 2010/11 ending 31 March 2011. These were approved and the ledger book signed by the chairman. • Financial statement: C/A £384.23 credit D/A £21173.84 credit • The following amounts were agreed and cheques duly signed.: Clerks salary & expenses to year end 31.3.11 £647.10 CCB (Comm Buildings Advise Service) £155.00 Came & Company (Insurance) £369.22 - renewal W Berks Citizens Advice Bureau £150.00 (request for grant) 13. Planning: - Applications .. An application for VISTA was received after posting of the notices – item added to agenda on evening: 11/00546/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane, Midgham. The application proposes a conservatory – item was discussed and councillors agreed to take plans away to investigate. - Decisions .... none 14. Correspondence: 12.1 Sovereign Housing – Clerk to get back to Sovereign. 12.2 Midgham Parochial Church Council – letter of thanks was read out 15. Play area: Monthly check – all OK Date of next meeting(s): Tuesday 24 May 2011 (Annual Village Meeting) Tuesday 28 June 2011 (Parish Council Meeting)


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