Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Midgham Parish Council meeting Minutes February 2011

21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – angela@midghamparish.co.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22 February 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs H Hutchins (HH)
Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
Mrs I Neill (IN) plus 3 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence - none
2. Declarations of interest – none.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 25 January 2011 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda
4.1 Verges (both sides of road) outside Hallcourt have been destroyed – these need restoring once work is completed. ACTION Clerk to contact Site Manager – Boschers.
4.2 Ditch by Keepers Cottage still flooding. ACTION: Clerk to report to WBC again.
4.3 Brimpton Road – hedges cut but debris left on road is causing problems to pedestrians – to be monitored but no action
4.4 Request to donate to Royal Wedding as part of the Royal County of Berkshire – Council did not wish to contribute.

5. Toad Hall Sewerage System
Update: DL met Tony Hodges (TH) again re safety aspects - explaining our conditions to extend the bollards up drive to protect from traffic, around the system to protect against gardening contractors and to act as a warning to public. Also requested hinged metal gate be installed at ground level as added protection to the manhole cover. DL had not contacted Dr Powell but understood that other residents on the Green Jackson/Sawyer had also received Notice No. 1 – they raised similar concerns re safety when events such as fetes held on the Green – DL advised they should exercise their rights and respond to WBC with any concerns.
Easement Agreement between Parish Council & Toad Hall: collected from TH solicitors same day as meeting - DL & HL reviewed prior to meeting. It was not possible to sign the agreement
The following errors or amendments on the Deed of Agreement were noted :
1. Plan 1 shows the incorrect route for the pipes leading into Water Oak - the agreed route is to the topside of the drive then down to the ditch as shown on Plan 2 - the wording in the agreement on page 2 also reflects the incorrect route.
2. Plan 2 shows the 'NEW MH CHAMBERS' & 'ELECTRICS' on the Village Green - these should be within the curtilage of Toad Hall .
3. Plan 2 should show the boundary of Toad Hall/Village Green to avoid any confusion of where items are located.
4. Page 2 should not say to the boundary of the property known as WaterOak – (the correct route is shown on Plan 2 which follows the drive down to the ditch)
5. Page 2 - 3rd line - manhole covers should be singular
6. Page 3 - Liabilities section 8.2 – should this include members of the public or neighbours or is this covered by the term invitees?
7. Page 4 - a) & b) refer to the Plans 1 & 2 which need correction.
8. Page 5 - Point 3 – Is the comment in brackets (and without prejudice to the foregoing) a potential loophole – there is concern over this.

9. Page 5 - It is agreed that our condition of agreement is subject to the following specific safety aspects being installed. That timber or other material bollards (aesthetically acceptable) be installed around the biotech system
a) On the drive for road protection
b) Similar bollards around the system for protection against electrical agricultural/mower damage
c) Hinged steel grille cover at ground level over the biotech manhole cover for public protection.
10. Page 5 – point 4 – should West Berkshire Council be more specific in respect of planning, highways & environmental agency approval??

The above points were noted by the councillors but we look to our solicitors to ensure that all aspects and wording is watertight. The councillors all agreed that they would not be rushed to sign a document with fundamental errors and the correct process incorporating solicitor consultations must be followed. ACTION : clerk to contact solicitors to feedback and progress.

Notice No. 1 Section 66 served on the Parish Council by Mr Hodges. ACTION : Clerk to respond to Notice stating that agreement in principal subject to conditions, legal agreement and all permissions.

6. Section 106 contributions available – Clerk to progress with WBC
DL left the meeting at this point.
7. Emergency Plan – carry forward to progress once Toad Hall work is completed (which is currently demanding all available time.) ACTION : Clerk to contact Carolyn Richardson re mini template
8. Parish Gardening contractors/maintenance arrangements – RN met with Odin Manners and received a very competitive quotation of £1220 per annum to undertake all maintenance in the parish. Council agreed unanimously to employ the services of Mr Odin.

9. St Matthews Church – donation of £250 to assist with cutting the churchyard agreed.

10. District Councillor’s report – copy to be attached. Comment re the delays in WBC planning yet all other Councils are running OK – IN acknowledged the problems. WBC aware - concerns over job shares and lack of continuity are being looked at.

11. Nursery Copse Appeal – little progress to report - WBC awaiting enforcement notice from barrister and report being drafted. ACTION: Clerk to contact Richard Beech cc. Gary Lugg Head of Planning noting concern over progress.

12. Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment – Local Flooding Questionnaire HH has marked areas on the map that she is aware of : ACTION : ALL to feed back to HH areas that have flooded within their memory including surface water/puddling etc

Marsh flooding and Brimpton Road cottages – a bund between the marsh and the cottages was considered post 2007 flooding – this was declined by residents as flooding may still occur from the front of the houses and a bund would prevent an escape through the rear. Now the situation at the front has hopefully been resolved – should a bund be reconsidered? HH will consult with local residents. IN recommended getting Stuart Clark involved. HL is dealing with this issue.

9.05pm - IN left the meeting at this point

13. Public Time – (i) concerns re Nursery Copse and continued efforts – IN confirmed that WBC are determined to get the enforcement issues correct.
ii) Viv Davies raised issue that in previous years money was allocated to Village Hall – Clerk confirmed this is no longer the case – previous allocation was for specific plans at the time - no money allocated or set aside in precept 2010/11 or 2011/12.
iii) Complaint received re the flooding/constant overflow from the sceptic tank outside the Alms Houses – HL believes this is a WBC problem and will raise the issue with Highways. ACTION : HL

2 members of public left the meeting at this time

14. Forthcoming elections – all councillors agreed to stand
15. Clerks’ report:
Changes to bank mandate – c/f to next meeting as DL had left the meeting by this time.
Clerk advised the following balances: c/a £1440.82 Cr d/a £14785.38 Cr
The councillors present agreed the following amounts: Midgham PCC £250.00 - cheque was not signed as DL had left – to be organised after meeting.

16. Planning:
- Applications .. 11/00169/FUL Toad Hall, Midgham Green - application is showing on WBC portal but copy not received by clerk – copies produced from website. The application was circulated to all councillors for response by 2 March 2011.ACTION : ALL

- Decisions .... None
17. Correspondence was circulated to all councillors for their attention:
17.1 West Berks Local Development Framework – Publication of the Schedule of Examination Proposed Focused Changes to the West Berkshire Core Strategy from 4 Feb -18 March 2011
17.2 Building Stronger Communities Conference – 5.3.11 Newbury Rugby Club.

18. Play area: Monthly check – all OK

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 22 March 2011


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