Friday 29 August 2008

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes August 26th 2008 Unapproved

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday August 26th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, Mr J Ormrod, Mrs I Neill,(district councillor) and the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and six members of the public.

Apologies There were none.

Chairman’s statement - Following discussions with other councillors, Mr Disson announced his intention to continue in the role of Chairman.

Introduction of Status Report – Mr Sawyer has produced a document for use at each meeting to record action points allocated to each councillor.

Declarations of interest: There were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: there were none.

Public Time – no points were raised.

District Councillor’s Report: Mrs Neill reported that the new waste collection is continuing smoothly. Theale parish council have been awarded £9000 from the lottery fund to aid production of their parish plan. West Berks Council has been told that they will be expected to provide 10,500 new homes for the future. Councillors have an opportunity to contribute to this matter in the spatial plan which is currently circulating.
Matters at Nursery Copse are continuing slowly and more progress should be made soon.

Village Hall

Mr Ormrod circulated a document with proposals for the administration of the day to day affairs of the hall. He will examine the conveyance document together with any other relevant information and report back to the next meeting, when a vote will be taken on the next action to take. An article has appeared in the Parish magazine asking for volunteers, but there has been no response. Mr Lombardo will draft a letter to all residents seeking more offers of help.

CCB are holding a conference on Village Halls on 4th October at Cold Ash. There were no volunteers at the meeting but the chairman will check to see if others may be able to attend.

Meeting with Dr Markham

Mr Ormrod agreed to prepare a document for discussion at the next meeting.

Clerk’s report:
Annual risk assessment Review – Mrs Rusbridge proposed acceptance of the document and Mr Ormrod seconded.

Financial statement: c/a £442.89 d/a £15,872.69

Bills to be paid: Pike Bros for repair of Midgham Green seat £111.63
Clerks salary and reimbursements £560.92
The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
New applications:
08/01295/FULD – Hallcourt Farm – conversion of farm building – Mr Sawyer had visited the neighbours and discussed their reservations regarding protection of trees, increased traffic and provision of water storage. They have already made their comments to WBC, and apart from these points there are no objections to the proposed development.
08/01169 – Gardeners Cottage - Block of 3 stables - Refused
08/00911/FULD – The Barn, Old Acre – Approved
08/01082/HOUSE – Kents Down Farm - Approved


West Berks Council – Supplementary Planning guidance – to be circulated.
Local Transport Plan 2 Consultation – to be circulated.
Highway Improvement Programmes – 2008/2009
Flooding Issues – Mr Goddard had replied concerning the possibility of an earth retaining bund querying where it would be built. Clerk to write to residents of Brimpton Road to ask for views and possibly hold a meeting with them and an engineer from WBC.
CPRE Bradfield District AGM 28 August 2008 and Newbury District 3 September 2008.
Bus Shelter – Allianz have replied confirming that they will reimburse the parish council for a new shelter up to the sum insured. Clerk is waiting for more details from WBC and hopes to have the information by the next meeting.
Hill House – Mr Sawyer has spoken with the owners and more information has been received from WBC reiterating that materials can be changed from the original plans, and are not subject to WBC controls.
Representations were received from members of the public following which it was agreed that the clerk would write again to the WBC regarding the conditions and asking whether the owner has applied for permission for the changes to the original plans.

Play Area – No problems to report.

Mr Lombardo and Mrs Neill left the meeting at this point.

Midgham Green: Mr Ormrod agreed to obtain estimates for scheduled maintenance of Midgham Green. The tapes will be left in place until the logs have been purchased and the new surface consolidated. Mrs Rusbridge will obtain information about logs.

Parish Plan: Mr Disson and Mrs Rusbridge will look at this further and report at the next meeting.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23 September 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Agenda August 26th 2008

For the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday August 26th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Chairman’s Statement

Introduction of Status report as an aide memoire to Councillors on tasks allocated

Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Village Hall Discussion and Update inc Village Hall Conference 4 Oct 2008

Meeting with Dr Markham

Clerks’ report:
Annual Risk Assessment Review – document attached
Financial statement: c/a £442.89 d/a £15,872.69
Monies received - from village hall account £63.76 refund of domestic rates
£164.50 refund of drains payment
£312.68 VAT refund
Bills to be paid: £111.63 Pike Bros - repair of seat Midgham Green
£560.92 Clerks Salary & Reimbursements

New applications: 08/01295/FULD –Hallcourt Farm – conversion of farm buildings
Decisions: 08/00911/FULD - The Barn, Old Acre – Approved
08/01082/HOUSE- Kents Down Farm - Approved

Correspondence: WBC Supplementary Planning Guidance
E M Goddard – proposed Earth retaining Bund
CPRE – AGM – 3 September 2008 & Bradfield AGM – 28 August 2008
WBC Local Transport Plan Consultation
WBC Highway Improvement Programmes

Play area: Inspection report Derek

Midgham Green maintenance:

Parish Plan

Date of next meeting: Tuesday September 23rd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes (Unapproved) July 22nd 2008

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday July 22nd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and three members of the public. As Mr Disson was unable to attend until after the start of the meeting, Mr Sawyer chaired the meeting.

Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod and from Mrs I Neill.

Declarations of interest: There were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Windows at Hill House - A reply had been received from WBC that no condition of the planning permission prevents any of the windows in the development from being replaced with a non-smoked variety of glass. A member of the public also raised a query regarding the window and the overgrown hedge on the site, and it was agreed that a councillor would visit the premises to discuss the matters with the owners. The parish clerk will raise the matter again with WBC.

Public Time – these items were raised under matter arising

District Councillor’s Report: No report as the councillor was not present.

Mrs Rusbridge left the meeting at this point due to a prior engagement.

Village Hall:

Mr Lombardo queried whether it would be possible for someone to run the bookings for the village hall while a new committee was being formed and he also asked when the new committee was likely to meet. Mr Angell explained the procedures needed to act as booking secretary, including the risk analysis and Mr Disson discussed the letter which was to be issued to all residents asking for more volunteers. Mr Lombardo agreed to draft the letter and forward it to the parish clerk for issue.
Mr Disson explained that he felt more people needed to be involved in the running of the hall, but that to date, insufficient practical help had been forthcoming.

Mr Disson stated that he would be tendering his resignation as Chairman and as a councillor.
Mr Lombardo declined to continue to participate in the meeting and left at 8.15pm.
Mr Sawyer thanked Miss Hibberd for cutting the grass around the hall.
Mr Disson noted that he has some plans from an architect which he will pass to Mr Sawyer.

Meeting with Dr Markham

No comments had been received from any councillors so the matter was held over for the next meeting.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £426.93 d/a £15,872.69

Bills to be paid: Alpha Engraving £66.00
Village Hall Rental £180.00
The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications:
08/01082 – Kents Down Farm – No objections
08/01169 – Gardeners Cottage - Block of 3 stables. A member of the public had raised concerns about the available acreage for horses on this site compared with the proposed number of stables. They were concerned that the stables could be used for some other purpose.
08/00724 – Old Acre House – approved.

Mr Sawyer reminded councillors of their responsibility to visit neighbours involved in planning applications to seek their views.


West Berks Council – Temporary closure of part of New Road Hill 18/08/08 – 19/08/08
West Berks Council - Temporary Closure of Midgham Level Crossing 19/07/08 – 21/07/08 & 26/07/08 – 28/07/08.
West Berks Council – Vegetation clearance – clerk to reply querying parish council powers.
West Berks Council – Earth retaining Bund – Mr Disson reported that he had discussed this matter with some residents of Brimpton Road but noted that they should all be consulted when they return to their houses, which is scheduled for August.
A4 Bus Shelter – Clerk is waiting for a letter from WBC to confirm that the old shelter has been destroyed, and will request more information on the possible replacement.

Play Area - No report available as Mr Lombardo was not present.

Midgham Green: The blue tapes will be left in place until the logs have been purchased.

Parish Plan: no news to report.

Mr Goddard noted that the village BBQ will be held at Midgham Park Farm this year.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 26th August 2008 at 7.30 p.m.