MPC Minutes May 2009
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday May 21st 2009 at 6.30 p.m.
Present were Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, Mr D Lombardo, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill, district councillor, and two members of the public.
Mr Ormrod was unanimously elected as Chairman for the meeting.
Mr Sawyer had tended a letter of resignation effective immediately. Mr Ormrod noted the council’s thanks for all his hard work. Mr Ormrod also noted that due to work commitments he will be resigning within the next two months but offered to stay on until then in order to bridge any gap left by these resignations.
Apologies were received from Mr R Disson.
Declarations of interest: there were none.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Nursery Copse – date of Inquiry now set for 22.09.09.
Dog fouling notices have been purchased for footpath through Midgham Park.
Midgham Green. Unable to confirm if letter has been issued to residents.
Blocking of footpath by church – still ongoing.
Annual Accounts y.e. 31.03.09
The clerk presented the accounts for 2008/2009 and noted that the internal audit had been completed. They were approved by the council, proposed by Mr Ormrod and seconded by Mr Goddard and were signed by the Chairman. The councillors noted the comments of the internal auditor and agreed to review budget and expenditure at the next meeting paying particular attention to the contingency sum.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £540.28 d/a £20,985.74
Bills to be paid - £108 Gardenmo
£125.75 PO Box Annual Fee
£363.27 Parish Council Insurance
£587.44 Clerks quarterly salary & reimbursements
£50.00 Internal Auditor
£30.00 CCB Subscription
£180.00 Village Hall Rental
£150.00 Grant to CAB for outreach work
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment with the exception of the PO Box renewal which will be allowed to lapse.
Correspondence WBC has confirmed that the mobile library will park in Goddard Drive.
Play Area No problems to report. Hedge may need to be cut back further in the future.
Public Time Pot holes appearing in Church Hill and overgrown footpath on A4 to be reported to WBC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 at 7.30pm.
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Thursday May 21st 2009 at 6.30 p.m.
Present were Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, Mr D Lombardo, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill, district councillor, and two members of the public.
Mr Ormrod was unanimously elected as Chairman for the meeting.
Mr Sawyer had tended a letter of resignation effective immediately. Mr Ormrod noted the council’s thanks for all his hard work. Mr Ormrod also noted that due to work commitments he will be resigning within the next two months but offered to stay on until then in order to bridge any gap left by these resignations.
Apologies were received from Mr R Disson.
Declarations of interest: there were none.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Nursery Copse – date of Inquiry now set for 22.09.09.
Dog fouling notices have been purchased for footpath through Midgham Park.
Midgham Green. Unable to confirm if letter has been issued to residents.
Blocking of footpath by church – still ongoing.
Annual Accounts y.e. 31.03.09
The clerk presented the accounts for 2008/2009 and noted that the internal audit had been completed. They were approved by the council, proposed by Mr Ormrod and seconded by Mr Goddard and were signed by the Chairman. The councillors noted the comments of the internal auditor and agreed to review budget and expenditure at the next meeting paying particular attention to the contingency sum.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £540.28 d/a £20,985.74
Bills to be paid - £108 Gardenmo
£125.75 PO Box Annual Fee
£363.27 Parish Council Insurance
£587.44 Clerks quarterly salary & reimbursements
£50.00 Internal Auditor
£30.00 CCB Subscription
£180.00 Village Hall Rental
£150.00 Grant to CAB for outreach work
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment with the exception of the PO Box renewal which will be allowed to lapse.
Correspondence WBC has confirmed that the mobile library will park in Goddard Drive.
Play Area No problems to report. Hedge may need to be cut back further in the future.
Public Time Pot holes appearing in Church Hill and overgrown footpath on A4 to be reported to WBC.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.00pm.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd June 2009 at 7.30pm.
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