Monday, 27 July 2009

MPC Minutes April 2009


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday April 28th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson(Chairman), Mr S Sawyer (vice Chairman), Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, Mr D Lombardo, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, and two members of the public.

Apologies – there were no apologies received.

Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer declared an interest in Midgham Green as he lives there and Mr Disson declared an interest in Colthrop as he lives nearby.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Footpath 5 – WBC have contacted the owner of the land and a drain is going to be built soon.
Dog fouling – up to £70 has been authorised for the purchase of two notices.
New Road Hill – reply received from WBC that work is not scheduled there for a number of years although they accept that the carriageway needs to be resurfaced and new highway drainage installed. Clerk to write to obtain an estimate for resurfacing and installation of a drain, and also for an update on S106 monies available.
Midgham Green – Chairman will be issuing a letter to Midgham Green residents about the footpath.
Vehicle still parked blocking footpath by Church – clerk to write to the owner on behalf of the parish council.
Annual Village Meeting – will now be held on 21st May together with the parish council meeting. The Chairman reported that due to other commitments he will be unable to attend meetings for the next three months.

Public Time

Holly hedges in School hill are still overgrown and need cutting back. They will be cut back after 1st July (to protect birds)
The verges at the bottom of Church Hill towards Reading are not being cut back. Clerk to report to WBC.
Clerk will reissue councillors contact details.

District Councillor’s Report – there was no report as the District Councillor was not present.

Village Hall Discussion

Accounts and annual report were circulated and discussed. Trustees details held by the Charities Commission have been updated as have the signatories at the bank.
Chairman proposed recommencing work on the steps outside the hall and Mr Lombardo agreed to advise on the recommended depth of the steps. Mr Sawyer abstained from the vote which was otherwise agreed unanimously.

Parish Plan
The committee are applying for grants and the sum of £250 was agreed as a loan until such grants come through.

Midgham Green Maintenance
Mrs Rusbridge agreed to hold a meeting with the residents of the green to discuss the footpath and alternatives for the edging.
ISS Waterers will be asked to clear the leaves, aerate and top dress the green, and reseed with shade tolerant seed.

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £289.36 d/a £18,985.74
£1673.50 has been received from the insurance company IRO the bus shelter.

Bills to be paid: £150.00 CCB Community Buildings Advice Service.
£250.00 Parish Plan committee.
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications: 09/00440/MINMAJ Colthrop-adjoining parish
09/00441/FUL Panasonic House
09/00530/HOUSE Baillifs House-Tree House
09/00478/FUL Parkfield – adjoining parish
09/00480 Hall Court – certificate of lawfulness
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – additional drawings – no comments made.

Correspondence: Open Spaces – the councillors agreed not to make a donation.
District Parish Conference Event – 27th May – no councillors able to attend.
Mobile Library – Clerk to write to WBC to suggest that this could stop by the church or if this is not suitable, in Goddard Drive.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems to report. The new contractor has cut the grass and the hedge but it may be necessary to cut it shorter in the autumn.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 21st May 2009 at 6.30pm.


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