Sunday 13 May 2012

Parish Council Meeting 27 September 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27 September in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mrs I Neill (IN) (District Councillor) plus 1 member of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mr D Lombardo (DL) sent apologies due to personal commitments 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 23 August 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda – none 5. Alms Houses – HL reported that no progress had been made. Matter is still with John Bowden from WBC to ascertain the whereabouts of the owner of the land between the alms houses and the field. 6. Village Hall improvements – The first stage of the improvements have been completed with new steps and hand rails, plans continue with signage, lighting, a new door as an ongoing project. There is now a regular Friday night booking, but it is hoped that it should be more of a community hall attracting clubs rather than one off event bookings. The web site for the hall has gone live this and the church magazine will be used to promote the hall. The village hall committee will advise the clerk when the financial support agreed in June is required and will advise what signage is required. 7. Royal Mail relocation of sorting office – Clerk advised that an article was included in the church magazine to raise awareness of the proposals to relocate the plans to relocate the sorting office and a letter has been sent to Royal Mail. IN will also be sending a letter. 8. Emergency Plan – RN has completed map of parish showing wards and areas of responsibility for both planning and emergencies – this will be displayed in the Village Hall. Using the WBC template and other examples of emergency plans RN agreed to prepare an initial draft for Midgham for the next meeting. It was agreed that 2 lists be collated 1. Vulnerable people who may in the event of an emergency require assistance 2. Local people who may be willing to help in a crisis i.e. those with 4x4 vehicles, medical assistance, ability to shop etc. Clerk provided example of the flyer distributed by Aldemaston parish councillors to introduce them to residents. ACTION: each councillor to write a short piece about themselves and send this with a photo to RN. 9. District Councillor’s report Nursery Copse: IN advised that it is hoped to get a report to members to discuss the next stage of process. Woolhampton Primary school has just had an Ofsted report moving them from satisfactory to good. KPMG commended to financial management at WBC Parkway in Newbury is opening 27 October Changes to developer contributions are out for consultation (on website) New waste arrangements start 31 October – details of these have been sent to all households – they include bi-weekly collections of green and black bins – green one week black the next, canister and bio-degradeable bags for kitchen waste for deposit in either black or green wheely bin, whichever is the next collection. 10. Public Time M Inwood asked if it was possible to display a notice re ducks for sale – this was agreed as Ok – there are no restrictions. The hole in the road outside Nursery Copse, above Gower Cottage is a constant problem regardless of the weather. ACTION: RN agreed to take a photo of the problem for Clerk to report to WBC (again). Flooding across the road outside Keepers Cottage ACTION: Clerk to report to WBC 11. Clerks’ report: • Clerk advised the following balances C/A £468.83 credit D/A £20214.87 credit • The following amounts were agreed for payment and cheques signed: Clerks salary & expenses £1313.23 Mazars (external audit fee) £144.00 • Clerk advised receipt of the External auditor’s report - All matters are in accordance with regulatory requirements 12. Planning: - Application .. 11/01839/HOUSE – Bailiffs House, Midgham Park – alterations and extension was discussed at length. RN advised that the plans were excellent but felt the proposals would cause problems for the adjoining neighbours. RN visited the Gibbs to ensure they were aware of the plans. Midgham Parish Council request refusal of this application. - The following decisions were advised .... 11/01204/HOUSE – Garth House, Bath Road – Refused 11/00920/HOUSE – Button Court Farm House, Windmill Lane - Approved 13. Correspondence: The clerk advised receipt of the following correspondence - 13.1 Cranwell Bridge, Midgham – proposed new Vodafone site (circulated by email – no responses/comments to feedback) 13.2 District/Parish Conference – 18 October 2011 13.3 Training course on the 'Code of Conduct' on the 18 October 5.15pm - 6pm before the District Parish Conference 13.4 Junior Citizen of the Year Award 2011 - nominations 14. Play area: Monthly check - OK The meeting closed at 8.25pm No meeting will be held in October. Date of next meeting Tuesday 22nd November 2011


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