Tuesday 24 May 2011

Midgham Parish Council meeting Minutes March 2011

21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – angela@midghamparish.co.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22 March 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs H Hutchins (HH)
Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
Mrs I Neill (IN) plus 2 members of the public

1. Apologies for absence - none
2. Declarations of interest – none.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 22 February 2011 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda – none
5. Toad Hall Sewerage System
Update: DL advised that the easement had been signed and Mr Hodges (TH) had left Toad Hall and the new owner had since taken residence. Prior to leaving TH left instructions re posts etc with Mr Inwood (ME). ACTION: DL will check this with ME. DL not aware of the new resident’s understanding of their responsibilities/awareness of the situation. Documents still with solicitor ACTION: Clerk to chase. Clerk advised that a letter had been received from TH thanking the PC for their efforts and enclosing 2 cheques; £200 to cover the clerk’s expenses and additional salary in respect of additional work undertaken over the matter and £100 for the Parish Council. ACTION: Clerk to acknowledge and thank TH. The Chairman thanked the PC for their hard work re Toad Hall especially DL, RN and the clerk.

6. Section 106 contributions available – Clerk advised the cheque would be expected mid April. ACTION: Clerk to present suggestions at next meeting.

7. Midgham Rail Bridge Safety Improvements – clerk presented improvement proposals. Councillors comments included:

a) Concerns that traffic control lights would increase queues at peak times
b) Speed is an issue on this stretch of road – there may be a benefit that traffic lights would slow the traffic
c) Concerns that the survey is flawed as queues already occur at peak times
d) Suggestion that temporary lights be tested for a period of 2 weeks to assess the impact.
e) Still getting 8 wheeler lorries down this stretch of road.
ACTION: Clerk to return comments to WBC.

8. Emergency Plan IN suggested obtaining copy of Pangbourne Emergency Plan – Mavis Law/Kay Lacey. ACTION: Clerk to get copy.

9. District Councillor’s report – copy to be attached. IN has details of Adult and Community learning courses ACTION: Clerk to forward to RN.
HL raised the issue of 2 local burglaries noting local concern over police presence. It was considered appropriate to invite the community policing officer to the Annual Village Meeting. ACTION: Clerk to arrange when date agreed.

10. Nursery Copse Appeal – Clerk advised that she has written to WBC legal dept noting lack of progress – no response received to date.

11. Flooding – HH advised that the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment Questionnaire highlighting areas in the parish that are known to flood has been forwarded to WBC.

Discussions re Brimpton Road flooding situation ensued:
a) HH has consulted with local residents re bund
b) HH trying to obtain contact number for the Thatcham water bailiff. IN suggested WBC may be able to help.
c) Flooding at rear still an issue with no reassurances that it sluice gates would be opened again if need arises
d) Problems at front helped by recent action by J Winstanley, WBC – but ditches need annual maintenance.
e) HH monitors Staceys landfill levels
f) Ray Disson (RD) advised that Mike Goddard continues to pressurise Network Rail to clear the culverts at the rear of the Marsh.
g) RD referred to the ditch on the south side A4 – WBC never investigated this post 2007 flooding – ACTION: HH to raise with WBC.

Alms Houses : HL investigated. Ditch in front cleared but ditch leads to pipe which goes under vehicle access and into land owned by a previous resident who now resides in IoW. Info supplied to J Winstanley WBC who will write to owner once title of land ascertained – await response.

12. Public Time – nothing raised
13. Forthcoming elections – nomination papers completed by all councillors. ACTION: Clerk to hand deliver to WBC.

14. Clerks’ report:
• Bank mandate – amendments signed and RN added as a signatory
• Financial statement: c/a £407.05cr Cr d/a £14804.73cr
• Cheques signed for the following Midgham PCC £250.00 BALC subscription £54.97
Replacement cheque for R Disson in respect of domain name for Midgham originally written for the incorrect amount of £30.00 – replaced by £23.49

15. Planning:
- No Applications .. None
- Clerk advised the following decision .... 11/00044/HOUSE Mole End, Midgham Park, Midgham, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 5UG Proposal: Single storey side extension - Approved

16. Correspondence: none
17. Play area: All OK
Meeting closed 8.45pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 26 April 2011


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