MPC Minutes March 2009
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday March 25th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson(Chairman), Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill District Councillor and two members of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr D Lombardo and Mr S Sawyer.
Declarations of interest: There were none.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising: The footpath issues have been reported to WBC who is investigating what action is needed. They have also suggested putting up notices in areas affected by dog fouling. Clerk to investigate the purchase of notices.
The Chairman and Mr Goddard had attended the District Parish Conference. Access to the countryside and the Rights of Way Improvement plan were discussed as well as antisocial behaviour in West Berkshire.
Allotments – Mrs Rusbridge had made enquiries about the boundary issues with Woolhampton parish but had not elicited any concrete information. Clerk to maintain a list of requests for allotments.
Public Time
The logs on Midgham green were discussed together with difficulties for vehicles using the track. The chairman reiterated that the path across the green is a footpath which most vehicles do not have a right to drive across and therefore any damage to vehicles will not be the responsibility of the council. Residents are concerned that access is needed for various services.
Water running onto New Road Hill near to Midgham Green was also discussed again. Clerk to write to Mark Edwards, Head of Highways about the serious safety issues.
There was a discussion about travel tokens only being issued to people with disabilities as a cost saving initiative by WBC. It was noted that GPs have been receiving unprecedented requests for confirmation of disability as a result.
Holly hedges in School hill are overgrown and need cutting back.
District Councillor’s Report – WBC are now rated as a 3star authority, improving strongly.
Village Hall Discussion & Update
CCB are no longer able to fund a village hall advisor and have requested a subscription of about £150 to cover this post in future. Payment agreed in principle as Midgham are likely to need advice in this area in the future. Wendy Dacey to be invited to attend the Annual Village meeting in April.
There is a CCB meeting on 15 April.
It was noted that there must be a village hall AGM by the end of May and there are various other health and safety issues and legal requirements in order to comply with Charities Commission rules. Mr Berry will be asked to prepare the accounts and to change the trustee details. (proposed by Mrs Rusbridge, seconded by Mr Ormrod).
Parish Plan
The insurance company have confirmed that volunteers are covered by the parish council policy providing that a councillor attends the meetings and minutes of the meeting are kept.
New Bus Shelters
Both shelters have now been installed and compliments have been made by a number of residents.
Midgham Green Maintenance
Quotes were agreed for cutting the grass on the green, the play area, and outside the village hall. Scarifying and spiking of the green will also be carried out.
A letter had been received from a Midgham Green resident regarding the logs which have been placed around the green and a reply was discussed and agreed. Further poles will be placed around the green and Mrs Rusbridge explained that old telegraph poles are being replaced in Birds Lane, and the council may be able to utilise them for this purpose.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £149.89 d/a £17,812.24
Bills to be paid: £173.25 Monksmead Farms - for logs
£46.00 Clerks training
£48.72 BALC Subscription
£94.06 Parish Plan Launch expenses
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
New applications: 09/00347/HOUSE 9 Rowlands Copse, Porch extension. No objections.
Decisions: 08/02412/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane. Application withdrawn
Correspondence: Already raised elsewhere.
Annual Village Meeting will be held on 30 April 2009. PCSO to be invited.
Play Area – Mr Lombardo was not present so no report was received.
In view of the special nature of the business about to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.
A resolution to exclude the public was moved in accordance with the council’s usual rules. There then followed a discussion concerning the council’s likely response to the planning appeal at Nursery Copse.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.10 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th April 2009 at 7.30pm.
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday March 25th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson(Chairman), Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr J Ormrod, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, Mrs I Neill District Councillor and two members of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr D Lombardo and Mr S Sawyer.
Declarations of interest: There were none.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising: The footpath issues have been reported to WBC who is investigating what action is needed. They have also suggested putting up notices in areas affected by dog fouling. Clerk to investigate the purchase of notices.
The Chairman and Mr Goddard had attended the District Parish Conference. Access to the countryside and the Rights of Way Improvement plan were discussed as well as antisocial behaviour in West Berkshire.
Allotments – Mrs Rusbridge had made enquiries about the boundary issues with Woolhampton parish but had not elicited any concrete information. Clerk to maintain a list of requests for allotments.
Public Time
The logs on Midgham green were discussed together with difficulties for vehicles using the track. The chairman reiterated that the path across the green is a footpath which most vehicles do not have a right to drive across and therefore any damage to vehicles will not be the responsibility of the council. Residents are concerned that access is needed for various services.
Water running onto New Road Hill near to Midgham Green was also discussed again. Clerk to write to Mark Edwards, Head of Highways about the serious safety issues.
There was a discussion about travel tokens only being issued to people with disabilities as a cost saving initiative by WBC. It was noted that GPs have been receiving unprecedented requests for confirmation of disability as a result.
Holly hedges in School hill are overgrown and need cutting back.
District Councillor’s Report – WBC are now rated as a 3star authority, improving strongly.
Village Hall Discussion & Update
CCB are no longer able to fund a village hall advisor and have requested a subscription of about £150 to cover this post in future. Payment agreed in principle as Midgham are likely to need advice in this area in the future. Wendy Dacey to be invited to attend the Annual Village meeting in April.
There is a CCB meeting on 15 April.
It was noted that there must be a village hall AGM by the end of May and there are various other health and safety issues and legal requirements in order to comply with Charities Commission rules. Mr Berry will be asked to prepare the accounts and to change the trustee details. (proposed by Mrs Rusbridge, seconded by Mr Ormrod).
Parish Plan
The insurance company have confirmed that volunteers are covered by the parish council policy providing that a councillor attends the meetings and minutes of the meeting are kept.
New Bus Shelters
Both shelters have now been installed and compliments have been made by a number of residents.
Midgham Green Maintenance
Quotes were agreed for cutting the grass on the green, the play area, and outside the village hall. Scarifying and spiking of the green will also be carried out.
A letter had been received from a Midgham Green resident regarding the logs which have been placed around the green and a reply was discussed and agreed. Further poles will be placed around the green and Mrs Rusbridge explained that old telegraph poles are being replaced in Birds Lane, and the council may be able to utilise them for this purpose.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £149.89 d/a £17,812.24
Bills to be paid: £173.25 Monksmead Farms - for logs
£46.00 Clerks training
£48.72 BALC Subscription
£94.06 Parish Plan Launch expenses
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
New applications: 09/00347/HOUSE 9 Rowlands Copse, Porch extension. No objections.
Decisions: 08/02412/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane. Application withdrawn
Correspondence: Already raised elsewhere.
Annual Village Meeting will be held on 30 April 2009. PCSO to be invited.
Play Area – Mr Lombardo was not present so no report was received.
In view of the special nature of the business about to be transacted, it was advisable in the public interest that the public be temporarily excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.
A resolution to exclude the public was moved in accordance with the council’s usual rules. There then followed a discussion concerning the council’s likely response to the planning appeal at Nursery Copse.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 10.10 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th April 2009 at 7.30pm.
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