Monday, 27 October 2008

MPC Agenda January 2009


For the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 27th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.


Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Village Hall Discussion and Update

New Bus Shelters

Midgham Green maintenance:
Inc quotes for grass cutting etc

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £ 231.51 d/a £18562.24

Monies received - £16.03 SEE Wayleave

Precept 2009/2010

New applications: 08/02320/CERTE Nursery Copse Certificate of Lawfulness
08/01909/FUL Bailiff’s Cottage – erection of fence to Tennis Court
08/02268/HOUSE Bailiffs Cottage – Tree house
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – Wood Burning stove pipe
08/02412/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane, Attached Garage /office
Decisions: 08/01877/FULD The Barn Old Acre

Correspondence: Pang, Kennet & Lambourne Valleys Countryside Project Funding
Treasurer St Matthew’s Church Council – appeal for help with costs of upkeep
West Berks – District Parish Conferences – Dates
West Berks – provision of Mobile Youth Work
West Berks – Redevelopment of West Berkshire Museum

Parish Plan

Play area: Inspection report Derek

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 24th February 2009

MPC Unapproved Minutes Nov 2008


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday November 25th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, Mrs. E Berry the Clerk and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mrs I Neill.

Declarations of interest: There were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: Allotments – still awaiting a reply from Woolhampton Parish Council.

Public Time – No comments.

Village Hall - Mr Lombardo had been unable to approach Birds Lane residents due to other commitments but hopes to be able to do so soon.

Parish Plan Update – The steering group has now met twice and 20 people have been involved in different capacities. The group has produced a terms of reference document and have requested that the Parish Council provide the group with free use of the village hall, a small sum with which to set up a bank account, and the initial costs of stationery/postage. Mr Disson proposed and Mr Sawyer seconded and the suggestions were accepted unanimously.
Mr Sawyer, Mrs Rusbridge and Mr Lombardo will rotate as council representative to the group.

Midgham Green Maintenance – Quotes for grass cutting have been received but Mrs Rusbridge is obtaining one further quote.
Mr Disson is expecting one further quote for logs and the councillors agreed that this can be accepted up to a maximum of £500.

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: c/a £167.12 d/a £19,122.69

Bills to be paid: £559.90 Parish Clerk Salary & Expenses
£101.45 reimbursement to Mr Disson

The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications: 08/01753/LBC Woottens, Upper Woolhampton – noted but no comments to make.
Decisions: 08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – allowed.

It was agreed that the clerk will circulate decisions via e-mail.


Open Spaces – request for a donation to legal funds. Mr Disson will raise a query with WBC regarding their possible funding in connection with S106 monies.

WBC re Earth retaining Bund in Brimpton Road. Mr Disson had confirmed with residents that they do not want the bund. Clerk to write to WBC.
Play Area – No problems to report.

Nursery Copse

Mr Disson and Mrs Rusbridge are attending a meeting with WBC tomorrow to discuss possible enforcement action.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 27th January 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

MPC Agenda Tuesday November 25th 2008 at 7.30 p.m


For the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday November 25th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Village Hall Discussion and Update

Parish Plan

Midgham Green maintenance:

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: c/a £167.12 d/a £19,122.69
Monies received - Nil

Bills to be paid: £559.90 Parish Clerk Salary & Expenses

New applications: 08/01753/LBC Woottens, Upper Woolhampton
Decisions: 08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane - allowed

Correspondence: Open Spaces - Appeal for Funds
Treasurer St Matthew’s Church Council – appeal for help with costs of upkeep West Berks – Winter Service & Adverse Weather plan
Housing Strategy Consultation

Play area: Inspection report Derek

Date of next meeting: Tuesday December 23rd 2008 or January 27th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

MPC Minutes of the meeting Tuesday October 27th 2008


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday October 27th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mrs I Neill, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod and Mr S Sawyer.

Declarations of interest: Mrs Rusbridge noted an interest on the matter relating to Dr Markham.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: Meeting with WBC re Nursery Copse arranged for 26 November at 16.30. Mr Disson and Mrs Rusbridge to attend.

Public Time – No comments but thanks to Miss Hibberd for sawing up the old bench.

District Councillor’s Report: Mrs Neill reported that Shaw House has now been opened to the public.
Parish conference took place last week. Mr Disson, Mrs Rusbridge, and Mrs Berry had attended but did not feel that the matters discussed were particularly interesting or relevant.

Village Hall - A flier had been sent to all village residents asking for volunteers to help run the hall, but unfortunately only one person expressed an interest. Mr Lombardo volunteered to personally contact all residents of Birds Lane to see if anyone felt able to help. Mrs Rusbridge had attended the Village Hall conference and reported that other villages seem to make more use their halls and she felt that some people may be reluctant to get involved due to the increasing number of regulations surrounding risk assessments and health and safety matters. It may be necessary to employ someone to clean the hall between lettings.

Meeting with Dr Markham – Mr Disson circulated a suggested draft of a response to Dr Markham’s complaint. The document was discussed and formally adopted. Councillors noted that there is a difference between comments made by a Parish Council, and comments made by an individual on their own behalf.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £199.19 d/a £19122.69 includes parish precept £3,750

Bills to be paid: £66.00 reimbursement to clerk for new cabinets
£3.00 reimbursement to Mrs Rusbridge
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment and also an amount to renew the Midgham Parish domain.


New applications: 08/01877FULD The Barn, Old Acre

Decisions:08/01575/HOUSE Toad Hall – Approved but with conditions attached to access over Midgham Green for construction vehicles and material.
08/01599/LBC2 Water Oak - Approved
08/01295/FULD Hallcourt Farm – Approved


BT Adopt a Kiosk programme – not appropriate to Midgham.
BALC AGM 8th November 2008 Theale.
South East Plan Gypsies, Travellers, & Travelling people Consultation – circulated for consideration.
Royal Berkshire Fire Authority Plan – circulated for comment.

Allotments – Clerk had received two enquiries about allotments and had referred the applicants to Woolhampton, who had advised them that they only consider Woolhampton residents. On further investigation, it seems that following a boundary review in 1991, the parish boundary was moved, and Woolhampton Village Hall and the allotments which used to be in Midgham, were ceded to Woolhampton. Clerk to write to Woolhampton parish to check on what arrangements were put in place at that time to ensure that some of the allotments could remain available, and to see if any new allotments could be created west of the current ones.
Play Area – No problems to report.

Midgham Green: Various quotes had been received for logs and for maintenance work. The details are to be circulated for consideration by all the councillors. Mrs Rusbridge will also obtain a further quote to add the cutting of grass in the churchyard and at the front of the village hall.

Parish Plan: 9 volunteers attended a meeting on Monday 27th October and are starting a launch group which will meet next on 10th November.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th November 2008 at 7.30 p.m

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Agenda October 28th 2008

Agenda for the meeting to be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday October 28th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Declarations of interest:

Minutes of the previous meeting:

Matters arising:

Public time:

District Councillor’s report:

Village Hall Discussion and Update

Meeting with Dr Markham

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: c/a £199.19 d/a £19,122.69
Monies received - £2.30 SEE Wayleaves

Bills to be paid: £66.00 Reimbursements to Parish Clerk

New applications: 08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane
Decisions: 08/01575/HOUSE Toad Hall- Approved
08/01295/FULD Hallcourt Farm – Approved
08/01599/LBC2 Water Oak - Approved

Correspondence: Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue Service consultation

Play area: Inspection report Derek

Midgham Green maintenance: quotes received

Parish Plan

Date of next meeting: Tuesday November 25th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL -Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday September 23rd 2008 (Unapproved)

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday September 23rd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod and Mrs I Neill.

Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer noted an interest on the planning applications for Toad Hall and Water Oak as they are his neighbours.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: Hill House – a reply had been received from the planning officer at WBC confirming that following a site visit, all planning permissions were satisfied. Clerk to forward reply to Mrs Smith.

Rural Housing Trust – invitation to opening of affordable homes development. Councillors unable to attend.

Public Time – no points were raised.

District Councillor’s Report: Mrs Neill was unable to attend but had sent a message that she will arrange a meeting with WBC representatives regarding Nursery Copse. Chairman and Mrs Rusbridge will attend.

Village Hall

Discussion postponed until next meeting when Mr Ormrod would be able to present amended documents. Moira will attend CCB Village Hall conference on 4th October.

Meeting with Dr Markham

Item carried forward to next meeting as Mr Ormrod unable to attend this evening.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £303.73 d/a £15,372.69

Bills to be paid: Mazars external audit fee £111.63
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment.

Clerk noted that 4 drawer cabinet is faulty and that the 2 drawer has collapsed completely. Agreed to canvass other parish councils and BALC in case of spares and was authorised to spend up to £320 if necessary.
Clerk also noted that two of the Parish notice boards are open to the weather and that therefore the notices are usually ruined within days. Clerk to obtain quotes for replacement.

New applications: 08/01575/HOUSE Toad Hall – Erection of two storey extension
08/01599/LBC2 Water Oak - Change to Inglenook fireplace
08/01295/FULD Hallcourt Farm – additional drawings for information
08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – extension to bungalow

Decisions – none this month.


West Berks Council –Junior Citizen of the year award – request for nominations
Prohibition of heavy vehicles - mainly affecting Crookham Hill
Amendments to the Permitted Development regime - relaxing the rules for minor amendments –
District Parish Conference 21st October 2008 Chairman and vice chairman to attend.
Joint Strategic Planning Unit - gravel extraction consultation document.
Brimpton Rd, Earth retaining bund – no comments received from any residents of Brimpton Rd so Chairman will make contact to see if they have any comments.

Play Area – No problems to report.

Midgham Green: Mrs Rusbridge had obtained a quote for logs to replace the tapes. £220 plus VAT to include installation. She will try to obtain a further quote and also alternative quotes for grass mowing and hedge trimming for the green and the play area.

Parish Plan: A meeting has been arranged for 27th October in the Village Hall with Sarah Ward from CCB. Invitation to go out to all residents.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th October 2008 at 7.30 p.m.