MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL -Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday September 23rd 2008 (Unapproved)
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday September 23rd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and two members of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod and Mrs I Neill.
Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer noted an interest on the planning applications for Toad Hall and Water Oak as they are his neighbours.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising: Hill House – a reply had been received from the planning officer at WBC confirming that following a site visit, all planning permissions were satisfied. Clerk to forward reply to Mrs Smith.
Rural Housing Trust – invitation to opening of affordable homes development. Councillors unable to attend.
Public Time – no points were raised.
District Councillor’s Report: Mrs Neill was unable to attend but had sent a message that she will arrange a meeting with WBC representatives regarding Nursery Copse. Chairman and Mrs Rusbridge will attend.
Village Hall
Discussion postponed until next meeting when Mr Ormrod would be able to present amended documents. Moira will attend CCB Village Hall conference on 4th October.
Meeting with Dr Markham
Item carried forward to next meeting as Mr Ormrod unable to attend this evening.
Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £303.73 d/a £15,372.69
Bills to be paid: Mazars external audit fee £111.63
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment.
Clerk noted that 4 drawer cabinet is faulty and that the 2 drawer has collapsed completely. Agreed to canvass other parish councils and BALC in case of spares and was authorised to spend up to £320 if necessary.
Clerk also noted that two of the Parish notice boards are open to the weather and that therefore the notices are usually ruined within days. Clerk to obtain quotes for replacement.
New applications: 08/01575/HOUSE Toad Hall – Erection of two storey extension
08/01599/LBC2 Water Oak - Change to Inglenook fireplace
08/01295/FULD Hallcourt Farm – additional drawings for information
08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – extension to bungalow
Decisions – none this month.
West Berks Council –Junior Citizen of the year award – request for nominations
Prohibition of heavy vehicles - mainly affecting Crookham Hill
Amendments to the Permitted Development regime - relaxing the rules for minor amendments – www.planningportal.gov.uk
District Parish Conference 21st October 2008 Chairman and vice chairman to attend.
Joint Strategic Planning Unit - gravel extraction consultation document.
Brimpton Rd, Earth retaining bund – no comments received from any residents of Brimpton Rd so Chairman will make contact to see if they have any comments.
Play Area – No problems to report.
Midgham Green: Mrs Rusbridge had obtained a quote for logs to replace the tapes. £220 plus VAT to include installation. She will try to obtain a further quote and also alternative quotes for grass mowing and hedge trimming for the green and the play area.
Parish Plan: A meeting has been arranged for 27th October in the Village Hall with Sarah Ward from CCB. Invitation to go out to all residents.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th October 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry and two members of the public.
Apologies were received from Mr J Ormrod and Mrs I Neill.
Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer noted an interest on the planning applications for Toad Hall and Water Oak as they are his neighbours.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.
Matters arising: Hill House – a reply had been received from the planning officer at WBC confirming that following a site visit, all planning permissions were satisfied. Clerk to forward reply to Mrs Smith.
Rural Housing Trust – invitation to opening of affordable homes development. Councillors unable to attend.
Public Time – no points were raised.
District Councillor’s Report: Mrs Neill was unable to attend but had sent a message that she will arrange a meeting with WBC representatives regarding Nursery Copse. Chairman and Mrs Rusbridge will attend.
Village Hall
Discussion postponed until next meeting when Mr Ormrod would be able to present amended documents. Moira will attend CCB Village Hall conference on 4th October.
Meeting with Dr Markham
Item carried forward to next meeting as Mr Ormrod unable to attend this evening.
Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a £303.73 d/a £15,372.69
Bills to be paid: Mazars external audit fee £111.63
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment.
Clerk noted that 4 drawer cabinet is faulty and that the 2 drawer has collapsed completely. Agreed to canvass other parish councils and BALC in case of spares and was authorised to spend up to £320 if necessary.
Clerk also noted that two of the Parish notice boards are open to the weather and that therefore the notices are usually ruined within days. Clerk to obtain quotes for replacement.
New applications: 08/01575/HOUSE Toad Hall – Erection of two storey extension
08/01599/LBC2 Water Oak - Change to Inglenook fireplace
08/01295/FULD Hallcourt Farm – additional drawings for information
08/01801/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – extension to bungalow
Decisions – none this month.
West Berks Council –Junior Citizen of the year award – request for nominations
Prohibition of heavy vehicles - mainly affecting Crookham Hill
Amendments to the Permitted Development regime - relaxing the rules for minor amendments – www.planningportal.gov.uk
District Parish Conference 21st October 2008 Chairman and vice chairman to attend.
Joint Strategic Planning Unit - gravel extraction consultation document.
Brimpton Rd, Earth retaining bund – no comments received from any residents of Brimpton Rd so Chairman will make contact to see if they have any comments.
Play Area – No problems to report.
Midgham Green: Mrs Rusbridge had obtained a quote for logs to replace the tapes. £220 plus VAT to include installation. She will try to obtain a further quote and also alternative quotes for grass mowing and hedge trimming for the green and the play area.
Parish Plan: A meeting has been arranged for 27th October in the Village Hall with Sarah Ward from CCB. Invitation to go out to all residents.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 28th October 2008 at 7.30 p.m.
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