MPC Minutes August 2009
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday August 25th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr D Lombardo, Mrs I Neill, District Councillor, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, and two members of the public.
Election of Chairman Mr R Disson agreed to become chairman for this meeting only and was unanimously elected.
Cooption of Councillor Mr Hanslip Long was co-opted on to the council and the Chairman welcomed him on behalf of everyone present.
Councillor resignation there was no resignation.
Apologies for absence there were no apologies received.
Declarations of interest: Mr Long declared an interest in the planning application for Hallcourt Farm as he lives there.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st May 2009 were read approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Parish Plan – the councillors discussed the difficulty in recruiting and retaining volunteers either for the village hall or the parish plan. It was agreed that a flier would be hand delivered to all households in Midgham by the councillors so that they can introduce themselves and discuss matters face to face.
It appears that the last full meeting of the parish plan committee was on 5 May and nothing has been heard from then since then. Ray agreed to contact the secretary.
Midgham Green – All councillors to inspect the green and Ray to circulate a draft of the proposed letter to residents, before the next meeting.
Budget & Expenditure review carried forward to the next meeting.
Village Hall
WBC have carried out their inspection of the hall and commented that they have been unable to check the emergency lighting and that the rear emergency exit door is a little stiff.
Clerk to contact electrician.
Risk assessment document will need to be updated.
Clerk to purchase a new Hoover and cleaning materials and Derek volunteered to clean the hall once a month.
Birds Lane Garden
It was noted that someone has strimmed the area and cut down most of the original plants.
Moira volunteered to tidy the garden and up to £150 was agreed for purchase of necessary materials.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £829.22 d/a £18,985.74
Bills to be paid: £568.44 CCB Clerk’s quarterly salary and reimbursements.
£29.00 CPRE membership.
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
A request had been received from, St Matthews PCC for a contribution to the cost of the upkeep of the graveyard. It was agreed to make a donation of £250.00 in December.
Planning Applications
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – wood burning stove – application withdrawn.
09/01032/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – Detached Garage. The parish Council has objected to this application on the grounds of increased urbanisation. Moira will attend the planning meeting on 26th August.
09/00124/HOUSE Mulberry House, Carbinswood Lane – Appeal – no comments
09/01411/FUL Orchard Cottage, Bath Road – Removal of condition – No objections.
09/01532/HOUSE Hall Court – Tennis Court – No objections (Mr Long left the room while this application was discussed)
Decisions 09/00530/HOUSE Tree House Bailiffs House – Approved
09/00480/CERTE Hall Court Farm – Approved
Nursery Copse – Planning Appeal hearing, 22 September 2009. Moira will attend with Ray.
District Councillor’s Report – A level results are out and all WBC schools bar one have improved their results.
Correspondence: District Parish Conference Event – 9th September. Moira will attend.
WBC Clear Streets Parking Strategy.
WBC Anti Social Behaviour Database – cllrs do not wish to access this.
West Berks CAB – letter of thanks for donation.
Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems but it was agreed to ask the contractor to cut the hedge to just above the existing chain link fence.
Public Time Holly hedges in School hill are still overgrown and need cutting back. A contractor is booked for about 3 weeks time.
Lorries using Kennetholme gravel extraction site are employing reversing sirens contrary to a previous undertaking not to do so. Clerk to take up with WBC.
Wren House, possible change of use of garage. To check for permission.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 22nd September 2009 at 7.30pm.
Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday August 25th 2009 at 7.30 p.m.
Present were Mr R Disson, Mr J Goddard, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr D Lombardo, Mrs I Neill, District Councillor, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, and two members of the public.
Election of Chairman Mr R Disson agreed to become chairman for this meeting only and was unanimously elected.
Cooption of Councillor Mr Hanslip Long was co-opted on to the council and the Chairman welcomed him on behalf of everyone present.
Councillor resignation there was no resignation.
Apologies for absence there were no apologies received.
Declarations of interest: Mr Long declared an interest in the planning application for Hallcourt Farm as he lives there.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 21st May 2009 were read approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Parish Plan – the councillors discussed the difficulty in recruiting and retaining volunteers either for the village hall or the parish plan. It was agreed that a flier would be hand delivered to all households in Midgham by the councillors so that they can introduce themselves and discuss matters face to face.
It appears that the last full meeting of the parish plan committee was on 5 May and nothing has been heard from then since then. Ray agreed to contact the secretary.
Midgham Green – All councillors to inspect the green and Ray to circulate a draft of the proposed letter to residents, before the next meeting.
Budget & Expenditure review carried forward to the next meeting.
Village Hall
WBC have carried out their inspection of the hall and commented that they have been unable to check the emergency lighting and that the rear emergency exit door is a little stiff.
Clerk to contact electrician.
Risk assessment document will need to be updated.
Clerk to purchase a new Hoover and cleaning materials and Derek volunteered to clean the hall once a month.
Birds Lane Garden
It was noted that someone has strimmed the area and cut down most of the original plants.
Moira volunteered to tidy the garden and up to £150 was agreed for purchase of necessary materials.
Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £829.22 d/a £18,985.74
Bills to be paid: £568.44 CCB Clerk’s quarterly salary and reimbursements.
£29.00 CPRE membership.
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.
A request had been received from, St Matthews PCC for a contribution to the cost of the upkeep of the graveyard. It was agreed to make a donation of £250.00 in December.
Planning Applications
08/02366/LBC 43 Birds Lane – wood burning stove – application withdrawn.
09/01032/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – Detached Garage. The parish Council has objected to this application on the grounds of increased urbanisation. Moira will attend the planning meeting on 26th August.
09/00124/HOUSE Mulberry House, Carbinswood Lane – Appeal – no comments
09/01411/FUL Orchard Cottage, Bath Road – Removal of condition – No objections.
09/01532/HOUSE Hall Court – Tennis Court – No objections (Mr Long left the room while this application was discussed)
Decisions 09/00530/HOUSE Tree House Bailiffs House – Approved
09/00480/CERTE Hall Court Farm – Approved
Nursery Copse – Planning Appeal hearing, 22 September 2009. Moira will attend with Ray.
District Councillor’s Report – A level results are out and all WBC schools bar one have improved their results.
Correspondence: District Parish Conference Event – 9th September. Moira will attend.
WBC Clear Streets Parking Strategy.
WBC Anti Social Behaviour Database – cllrs do not wish to access this.
West Berks CAB – letter of thanks for donation.
Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems but it was agreed to ask the contractor to cut the hedge to just above the existing chain link fence.
Public Time Holly hedges in School hill are still overgrown and need cutting back. A contractor is booked for about 3 weeks time.
Lorries using Kennetholme gravel extraction site are employing reversing sirens contrary to a previous undertaking not to do so. Clerk to take up with WBC.
Wren House, possible change of use of garage. To check for permission.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 22nd September 2009 at 7.30pm.