Sunday 13 May 2012

Parish Council Meeting 10th January 2012 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2012 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mr J Carey (JC) Plus 3 members of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mrs I Neill (IN) (District Councillor) sent apologies due to other council commitments 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 22 November 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda Salt bins: Clerk advised that a new salt bin had been sited on Church Hill and Di Hibberd confirmed the bin at end of Birds Lane had been restored to a larger bin. 5. Alms Houses – update from HL: WBC still not able to contact owner of the land adjacent to the Alms Houses who apparently lives abroad; they are doing what they can but until this happens there is nothing much the Parish Council can do. Situation will continue to be monitored especially in icy weather when the build up of water is likely to freeze. 6. Midgham Railway Bridge – Following the decision by WBC to make the Railway Bridge single carriageway with traffic light control Brimpton PC requested the assistance of Midgham PC to lobby Wasing (who they believed was the landowner) to increase the parking in the lay-by to help keep more cars of the road. Following discussion councillors questioned whether increasing the capacity for parking off road in the lay-by would be a benefit. Further clarification from Brimpton to be requested: 1) reference to lobbying Wasing - our understanding is that the owner of the land is Michael Goddard but currently leased to Grundon. 2) Who would pay for any work? HH provided background to the situation & explained the difficulties residents experience on a daily basis by speeding traffic using this stretch of road as a shortcut. Council’s comments were: 1) It was felt that the decision to implement light controls on the bridge may ease the speeding situation. 2) Apparently the lay-by was never officially planned but has over the years developed as cars have been parked by the residents of the cottages. 3) Speeding is an issue and of major concern on this particular stretch of road, which makes the crossing the road difficult especially at peak times. Parked cars on the opposite side to the lay-by (on the same side as the cottages) help slow the traffic. 4) This stretch of road is a minor country lane used as a rat run for cars from Thatcham cutting through the back roads to AWE. Councillors questioned the objective to make it easier for people using it as a shortcut and subsequently encouraging faster speeds ACTION: Clerk to respond to Brimpton PC. 7. Brimpton Road – HH reported that the ditches need clearing. It was agreed that HH would contact WBC to enquire if a letter could be sent to Mr Goddard advising that the ditches require clearing and reminding him of his responsibility to undertake this on a regular basis. ACTION HH to contact WBC and report back next meeting. 8. Emergency Plan – RN presented first draft of the plan. This plan, based on the WBC template tailored to meet the needs of Midgham extends to all potential emergencies not just bad weather. RN clarified that data protection issues prevent us from keeping a register of names of individuals requiring assistance or those able to offer help. It was agreed that this information should be known to each individual Parish Councillor but not kept as a paper copy. The chairman expressed concerns that perception may be that the parish council are not prepared and is keen to ensure that individual councillors are aware of residents that may require assistance within their ward. Discussion followed debating where responsibility rests in the case of emergencies and DL keen to ensure that WBC and emergency services are the main contact acknowledging that the parish council has a role to play where possible. It was also felt that there is a joint responsibility that individuals requiring assistance make themselves known and also acknowledged that some residents would not want to rely on the Parish Council as there is already an established network within the community. The ‘role of the Parish Council in Emergencies’ and communication issues relating to this are to be determined as the plan develops. ACTION: 1) It was agreed that a separate meeting specifically to develop the plan be held on 24 January starting at 6.30pm (not open to public). All councillors to review draft document and be in a position to contribute at the meeting. 2) RN to liaise with HH to update the flood plan procedures. 3) RN to investigate and add other groups that are able to help such as Rotary, Lions etc. 9. Royal Garden Party: It was agreed to nominate Hanslip Long 10. District Councillor’s report – District Councillor not present 11. Broadband Improvements – Clerk confirmed that response to WBC confirming that Midgham PC agrees in principal to the contribution. Councillors present were not aware of any local businesses that would be able to contribute to the costs. 12. Public Time – Village Hall improvements Viv presented invoices and requested the agreed donation be paid to Village Hall Committee. £1341.46 has been requested as the contribution to the improvements. A new key is still awaited for the clerk. ACTION: Clerk to raise cheque for signatures at next meeting. 13. Budget & Expenditure Review – Clerk presented accounts to date and recommendations for next year’s budget. It is again possible that the precept be kept low as funds allow, however a £500 increase was agreed to cover the cost of the broadband project. A precept of £2500.00 was agreed for 2012/2013 ACTION Clerk to send return to West Berkshire Council. 14. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: C/A £414.12 credit D/A £19834.80 credit Amounts to be paid No cheques to sign as £650.00 to Odin manners signed pre meeting. RN provided • A renewal quote for 2012/13 maintenance from Odin Manners of £1261.50 – all councillors present agreed to this quotation. ACTION: RN to confirm agreement to renew. • The request for the Jubilee Celebrations funds of £250 agreed at meeting on 23 August 2011 be paid. Cheque will be raised at next meeting. 15. Planning: Clerk advised that 11/01204/HOUSE Garth House, Bath Road, Midgham, Reading was going to Appeal with representations required by 26th January 2012. All councillors present agreed that our original comments remain. ACTION: Clerk to reply to WBC Decisions: Clerk advised the following decision: 11/02245/TELE56 Telecommunications Mast - Erection of structure on Brimpton Road) Approved - no objections. 16. Correspondence: Clerk advised the following correspondence had been received 16.1 Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service – Fire Authority Response to Fire Brigade Union Letter 16.2 West Berkshire Citizens Advice bureau – request for additional donation. 16.3 Thames Valley Police - internal review of neighbourhood policing 17. Play area: Monthly check – OK. The meeting closed at 9pm Next meeting of the Parish Council: Tuesday 28 February 2012 Extra meeting re Emergency Planning: Tuesday 24 January 2012 starting at 6.30pm

Parish Council Meeting 22 November 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 22 November in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mrs I Neill (IN) (District Councillor) Plus 3 members of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mr J Carey (JC) sent apologies due to personal commitments 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 27 September 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda Salt bin request: Clerk advised that WBC have approved a new salt bin on Church Hill subject to the PC paying for this and seeking the approval of residents near the proposed site for the new bin. RN will seek the approval of Mr Rogers/Taplin and advise the clerk. ACTION: Clerk to order new bin once these approvals obtained. 5. Alms Houses – update from HL: WBC are still seeking contact with the owner of the land adjacent to the Alms Houses requesting that drain is scoured out. JB of WBC will see if the council’s contractors will blow the drain through. Water is getting into GPO line and water collects above the inspection cover which is likely to freeze. GPO contacted the Water board who claim it is not theirs. Progress is slow but the Council are not obliged to spend public money on drains on minor roads but they have the power to serve a notice on landowners to do the work and if the required work is not done then to charge the owner if necessary. HL will advise A Jackson the relay the message. 6. Village Hall improvements – RN updated on improvements new door and lock, signage is coming, rotten floor at rear have been replaced. Funds from Greenham Common Trust have been received to match the payment from the parish council to pay for the improvements. A new key will be provided to the clerk. 7. Emergency Plan – RN is attending a meeting at WBC on 29 November. RN is developing a plan for Midgham using the WBC template to assist; this will extend to emergencies other than extreme weather conditions. This will be presented at the next meeting. RN has concerns re the storage of personal data and will seek advice. ACTION: All parish councillors to speak to residents in their ward to ascertain if they would require assistance or are able to offer assistance in the event of an emergency. 8. District Councillor’s report Newbury Parkway – Phase 1 is open – new shops opening in future. Waste site is now open although not busy. WBC are working on next year’s budget looking for potential savings 4 Dec Shaw House Xmas crafts/activities Youth activities are available on the website Nursery Copse – developments expected shortly - Gordon Curry (GC), the enforcement officer is writing a report presenting options to take the case forward. GC has been off long term sick for a while hence delay. 9. Broadband Improvements – The Government have put forward money to improve broadband speeds in rural areas to link with BT improvements in the main urban conurbations. WBC have agreed to match this money but need additional contributions from parishes. Midgham PC has been requested to put £1641.00 forward over the next 3 years starting 2012/3. IN suggested that parish councils seek feedback from residents to assess if there are problems and willingness to pay a small amount extra as part of the precept. Also to identify local businesses that may be willing to contribute. This work could be undertaken at the same time as the Emergency Planning initiative. More information is available on the website ACTION: Clerk to respond to WBC confirming that Midgham PC agree in principal to the contribution. 10. Public Time – no questions 11. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: C/A £413.31 credit D/A £19814.87 credit Amounts to be paid CPRE renewal subscription £29.00 (agreed at meeting) 12. Planning: - Applications .. 11/02245/TELE56 Telecommunications Mast Erection of structure on Brimpton Road – ACTION: Clerk to respond to WBC with Midgham PC response – Subject to the fact that local residents have been fully consulted the parish council have no objections. Adjacent Parish – 11/01978/COMIND Formation of materials storage compound, incl new fencing and external lighting – Xtrac, Gables Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4ZA ACTION: Clerk to respond to WBC with Midgham PC response – Midgham parish council have no objections. 11/01996/MINMAJ Grundon Sand And Gravel Limited Kennet Holme Farm (was received between meetings) – the application was believed to be invalid however WBC were keen that Midgham PC submit their comments – these were collected by email and returned to WBC prior to the meeting as follows: ‘The application appears to be invalid – reference the letter from Matt Meldrum dated 12 October 2011. The main covering letter for this application is missing with the documents. However having seen these on WBC website there are no objections to the removal or variation to the conditions 12 & 19 and conditions 14 & 15 being carried out in accordance with the revised drawing No: 05-001/004 REV A. However we object to the removal or variation to condition 16 Maintenance of Access, 18 Culvert following completion and condition 13 Wheel Cleaning. The clerk advised the following decision: 11/01693/XHOUSE Toad Hall renewal of planning permission – APPROVED 13. Correspondence: 13.1 Newbury and District Association of National Trust – request for donation was declined 13.2 Queens Diamond Jubilee Beacons – guide to taking part given to RN to pass to the Jubilee committee. 13.3 2013 review of Parliamentary constituencies – IN advised that Midgham was not affected 13.4 Campaign to Protect Rural England – request to renew subscription of £29 pa.was agreed by all present, cheque raised ACTION: Clerk to return to CPRE 13.5 Royal Berks Fire & Rescue Service consultation period on risk management annual action plan – circulated for reading 13.6 Rights of way improvement plan and working with parishes – ACTION: HL will review this 13.7 West Berks Local Development Framework consultation 4.11.11 to 16.12.11 – clerk made councillors aware of this no action taken 13.8 Berkshire Broadband Improvement Programme (Superfast Berkshire) dealt with as point 9 (above). 14. Play area: Monthly check – OK. DL requested that the Hawthorn hedge at the rear be cut as part of the annual tidy up. ACTION: RN to liaise with Odin Manners to request for this work to be undertaken. The meeting closed at 8.55pm No meeting will be held in December. Next meetings: 10 January 2011 followed by 28 February 2011

Parish Council Meeting 27 September 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 27 September in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mrs I Neill (IN) (District Councillor) plus 1 member of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mr D Lombardo (DL) sent apologies due to personal commitments 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 23 August 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda – none 5. Alms Houses – HL reported that no progress had been made. Matter is still with John Bowden from WBC to ascertain the whereabouts of the owner of the land between the alms houses and the field. 6. Village Hall improvements – The first stage of the improvements have been completed with new steps and hand rails, plans continue with signage, lighting, a new door as an ongoing project. There is now a regular Friday night booking, but it is hoped that it should be more of a community hall attracting clubs rather than one off event bookings. The web site for the hall has gone live this and the church magazine will be used to promote the hall. The village hall committee will advise the clerk when the financial support agreed in June is required and will advise what signage is required. 7. Royal Mail relocation of sorting office – Clerk advised that an article was included in the church magazine to raise awareness of the proposals to relocate the plans to relocate the sorting office and a letter has been sent to Royal Mail. IN will also be sending a letter. 8. Emergency Plan – RN has completed map of parish showing wards and areas of responsibility for both planning and emergencies – this will be displayed in the Village Hall. Using the WBC template and other examples of emergency plans RN agreed to prepare an initial draft for Midgham for the next meeting. It was agreed that 2 lists be collated 1. Vulnerable people who may in the event of an emergency require assistance 2. Local people who may be willing to help in a crisis i.e. those with 4x4 vehicles, medical assistance, ability to shop etc. Clerk provided example of the flyer distributed by Aldemaston parish councillors to introduce them to residents. ACTION: each councillor to write a short piece about themselves and send this with a photo to RN. 9. District Councillor’s report Nursery Copse: IN advised that it is hoped to get a report to members to discuss the next stage of process. Woolhampton Primary school has just had an Ofsted report moving them from satisfactory to good. KPMG commended to financial management at WBC Parkway in Newbury is opening 27 October Changes to developer contributions are out for consultation (on website) New waste arrangements start 31 October – details of these have been sent to all households – they include bi-weekly collections of green and black bins – green one week black the next, canister and bio-degradeable bags for kitchen waste for deposit in either black or green wheely bin, whichever is the next collection. 10. Public Time M Inwood asked if it was possible to display a notice re ducks for sale – this was agreed as Ok – there are no restrictions. The hole in the road outside Nursery Copse, above Gower Cottage is a constant problem regardless of the weather. ACTION: RN agreed to take a photo of the problem for Clerk to report to WBC (again). Flooding across the road outside Keepers Cottage ACTION: Clerk to report to WBC 11. Clerks’ report: • Clerk advised the following balances C/A £468.83 credit D/A £20214.87 credit • The following amounts were agreed for payment and cheques signed: Clerks salary & expenses £1313.23 Mazars (external audit fee) £144.00 • Clerk advised receipt of the External auditor’s report - All matters are in accordance with regulatory requirements 12. Planning: - Application .. 11/01839/HOUSE – Bailiffs House, Midgham Park – alterations and extension was discussed at length. RN advised that the plans were excellent but felt the proposals would cause problems for the adjoining neighbours. RN visited the Gibbs to ensure they were aware of the plans. Midgham Parish Council request refusal of this application. - The following decisions were advised .... 11/01204/HOUSE – Garth House, Bath Road – Refused 11/00920/HOUSE – Button Court Farm House, Windmill Lane - Approved 13. Correspondence: The clerk advised receipt of the following correspondence - 13.1 Cranwell Bridge, Midgham – proposed new Vodafone site (circulated by email – no responses/comments to feedback) 13.2 District/Parish Conference – 18 October 2011 13.3 Training course on the 'Code of Conduct' on the 18 October 5.15pm - 6pm before the District Parish Conference 13.4 Junior Citizen of the Year Award 2011 - nominations 14. Play area: Monthly check - OK The meeting closed at 8.25pm No meeting will be held in October. Date of next meeting Tuesday 22nd November 2011

Parish Council Meeting 23 August 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 August 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mrs I Neill (IN) (District Councillor) plus 1 member of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mr D Lombardo (DL) sent apologies due to personal commitments 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 28 June 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda – none 5. Midgham Rail Bridge Safety Improvements – Clerk advised that improvements are now on hold pending Network Rail's investigation into the impact of electrification of the Newbury line which could require works to this structure. Until a clear way forward is determined, any possible works by WBC are on hold. 6. Alms Houses – matter still in hands of WBC – no progress reported – they are still trying to determine ownership of the adjoining land 7. Emergency Plan – RN presented a map marking areas of responsibility for planning and emergencies. All present agreed the areas, noting there is still a vacancy on the parish council leaving one area not allocated. RN has agreed to progress the emergency planning issue on behalf of the Parish Council and will produce suggestions at a future meeting. It was also agreed that a leaflet introducing members of the Parish Council would be a good idea and be drafted for circulation to the parish – each Councillor to consider a short paragraph giving brief details about themselves. ACTION: Clerk to forward WBC template to RN 8. District Councillor’s report – IN advised: • Members capital bids for community projects are being sought • Changes to the grant application process were provided • Royal Mail plan changes to RG7 mail distribution moving it from Thatcham to Caversham. Graham Pask (Bucklebury) is seeking support for Royal Mail reconsider plans ACTION: Clerk to draft article for Church Magazine, HH will talk to local post man and report back, Midgham PC to write to Royal Mail • Broadband speeds – WBC are leading a bid and will be mapping areas – assistance from local PC’s may be required. 9. Public Time – no issues raised 10. Clerks’ report: • Clerk advised the following balances C/A £541.96 credit D/A £20814.87 credit • The following amounts were agreed for payment and cheques signed: £72.00 Knightley Harrison Ltd (Internal audit) £602.00 Odin Manners 11. Planning: Clerk advised: - Applications.. None - Decisions .... 11/00704/FUL Midgham Quarry – Approved 11/00169/FUL Toad Hall - Approved 11/00645/HOUSE Vista – Approved 12. Correspondence: Clerks & Councils Direct 13. Play area: Monthly check OK The following topic was raised for discussion by RN as an addition to the agenda to gauge level of support. Item to be tabled as agenda item next month: 14. Jubilee Celebrations – next June 1 – 4th June RN advised that Midgham and Woolhampton are proposing joint celebrations – this may mean no Midgham fete therefore any celebrations need to run as a fund raiser for Midgham. Midgham PC was asked to consider a donation of £250 in support of events (matched by £250 from Woolhampton) – this amount was agreed by all councillors present. The meeting closed at 8.25pm Date of next meeting Tuesday 27th September 2011

Parish Council Meeting 28 June 2011 Minutes

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL 21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28 June 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm. Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL) Mr R Norris (RN) Mr D Lombardo (DL) Mrs H Hutchins (HH) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk) Mrs I Neill plus 4 members of the public 1. Apologies for absence Mr J Carey (JC) sent apologies due to a memorial service 2. Declarations of interest - none declared 3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 17 May 2011 were approved and signed 4. Matters arising not on the agenda – none 5. Annual Village Meeting – concerns raised that the 2 presentations were not specific to the needs of the parish – the good attendance was noted. 6. Midgham Village Hall – M Brooker, Chairman of Village Hall Committee attended the meeting to request ongoing financial support for the Village Hall specifically he presented improvement plans for the hall and requested financial support of £1998 towards the total cost of £3996 (the remaining amount being matched by funds raised by the hall committee). The proposal is to pave and complete the concourse, replace the hand rail, improve the exiting steps, replace the rotten door/frame including a new locking system. Labour is being undertaken by hall committee members to keep costs to a minimum. Response from the council : DL recommended keyclamp for the rails, light sensors need looking at, improvements should comply with guidelines, consider if edges need marking. Motion carried – all parish councillors present agreed the proposals and PC donation. It is hoped that work to improve the hall will make it more attractive to hire. Additionally Matthew Brooker requested that the PC include signage for the village hall when using 106 monies to restore other signage/notice boards in the village – ACTION: Clerk to factor this in with plans for new notice boards. 7. Toad Hall Sewerage System – progress is slow and planning decision still with WBC. IN reported that the highways report is delaying a decision. HL had spoken to J Bowden from highways. IN will chase highways, but advised that WBC realise the urgency. HL thanked DL for the amount of work on this issue. 8. Section 106 contributions – c/f to next meeting 9. Midgham Rail Bridge Safety Improvements – Clerk advised there was no progress 10. Alms Houses – HL reported that he met with J Bowden of WBC to review the flooding problem in School Lane and presented a plan of the area. Flooding on the road occurred and was a potential risk in event of severe frosts. It occurred, even in dry weather as prevailed at the above meeting with Bowden most noticeably by the westerly access to the Alms Houses where the ditch was full and the water did not seem able to flow down to the stream. We both agreed that the best solution was to have the drain rodded and cleared and the open ditch from this access to the New Road Hill junction piped and backfilled as the road was very narrow there and vehicles tended to push the bank into the open ditch. It was left that WBC would trace the bordering owners whose responsibility it was to ensure water drained away. They would report back. 11. Emergency Plan – was again discussed and it was felt this matter would be better discussed at a specific meeting about the Emergency plan. It is agreed that the focus needs to be on 1) Who are vulnerable people within the parish 2) Who can help in a crisis 3) Communications. ACTIONS: Bob to look at colouring a map that clearly show the areas/wards within the parish. Clerk to obtain maps for this purpose and to send out revised planning areas. 12. District Councillor’s report IN advised that the Core Strategy hearing has restarted. 13. Nursery Copse Appeal – no progress to report. 14. Public Time - Moira Rusbridge acknowledged the efforts to organise social events but queried why the premises licence was still not on display which she had previously pointed out, she expressed her view that the AGM had not been advertised properly and that minutes that had been requested had not made available. Clerk confirmed that she had seen adequate notice/adverts for this meeting. Response: licence is held but is having name changed. Points were noted and licence situation will be rectified. 15. Clerks’ report: Clerk presented the Internal audit of accounts making reference to the recommendation to review the replacement costs of fixed assets. The Chairman and clerk signed the end of year accounts. ACTION: Clerk to prepare and submit the accounts to the external auditors. Financial statement: C/A £945.21 credit D/A £20814.87 credit The following amounts were agreed - £100.00 Election fees 16. Planning: - Applications ..11/00922/LBC Button Court Farm House – new 2 bay detached car port Councillors present agreed the following response - no objections to this application but to respect the setting of a listed building, which is also within the ‘countryside’ the gable end roof on the north elevation should be altered to become a hipped roof similar to the south elevation. - Decisions .... none 17. Correspondence: Clerk presented correspondence received: - Digital Television Switchover Community Outreach Pack - W Berks Citizens Advice Bureau (letter of thanks) 18. Play area: Monthly check OK Date of next meeting: agreed there would be no meeting in July - next meeting Tuesday 23 August 2011