Tuesday 22 March 2011

Midgham Parish Council meeting Minutes January 2011

21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – angela@midghamparish.co.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 25 January 2011 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present were Mr H Long (Chairman) (HL), Mr R Norris (RN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL), Mrs H Hutchins (HH)
Mr J Carey (JC) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
plus 1 member of the public

1. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs I Neill (District Councillor) (IN) due to another meeting.
2. Declarations of interest – none.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 23 November 2010 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda –
4.1 The clerk read out a letter from Mrs M Rusbridge (MR) received in connection with her resignation. The points were noted and clerk will draft a response and attach Nov/Dec minutes and agendas but this should not be ongoing agendas can be seen on notice board & minutes will be added to website.
4.2 The clerk outlined the election process
5. Toad Hall Sewerage System – Chairman thanked DL, BN & the clerk for the huge amount of work undertaken in respect of Toad Hall. DL updated the council following his meeting with Charles Hoile solicitors where Patrick Stewart has taken on the case. Key points raised were:
- The need to rescind the current legal agreement with the condition that all pipes are disconnected and removed where possible and the land is restored to its original condition replacing the top soil from the new excavation.
- The strength and safety of the manhole cover is of extreme concern – the legal agreement must state that any future resulting damage or injury is the responsibility of the then current owner of Toad Hall and it is not the liability of the Parish Council. Plus all liabilities and costs incurred at any time will be the responsibility of the owners of Toad Hall.
- It was agreed that a councillor needs to be present when excavation works commences – DL happy to attend if available.
- The clerk advised that WBC had received an application for planning and building regulations on 6 &7th Jan respectively. The planning app had been returned as insufficient information supported the app. As at 25.1.11 no further communication had been received by WBC.
- Ownership of the ditch was discussed at length and there is doubt over whether WBC or Dr Powell actually owned it – future ongoing maintenance of the state of the ditch to be incorporated into the agreement.
- A condition of the agreement to include an assurance that Dr Powell’s requirements are met – need to revisit letter from Dr Powell – DL suggested he may visit Dr Powell to discuss proposals.
- It was agreed to write to Hodges to advise that we had met with Hoiles solicitors and to notify him about the conditions of our agreement and to also contact Hoiles to seek further guidance. Clerk/DL to action.
6. Section 106 contributions available 106 Money available £5k in respect of open spaces. The suggestion to consider seating/paving/planting on Midgham Green & play area is to be taken forward with WBC. Clerk to contact S Souden to progress and add to agenda next month.
7. Emergency Plan - It was recognised that progress was slow as a result of being down 1 councillor plus the excessive amount of time that Toad Hall has taken hence detracting from this work. Item carried forward to next month.
8. Village Hall – Clerk advised the council that time limit to appoint a trustee from the Parish Council onto the Village Hall Committee had expired and the Charities Commission had been notified that there is no representation from either the Parish Council or the PCC. RN is happy to report back any relevant information or the Village Hall committee could be invited to present at future meetings.
9. Parish gardening contractors/maintenance arrangements – 2 quotes were considered in respect of maintaining the Green and it was agreed to return to the services of Odin Manners. It is confirmed that Manners has Public liability insurance. RN agreed to take on the responsibility of overseeing this maintenance contract and he would make further contact with Manners to agree final details.

The clerk advised that Mr Oakes had been forced to withdraw his services to maintain the Village Hall and Play area due to other commitments – Odin manners quote incorporated these areas and it was unanimously agreed that Manners should undertake all maintenance work.
10. District Councillor’s report – not present.
11. Nursery Copse Appeal – no update.
12. Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment – HH agreed to respond to WBC re Local Flooding Questionnaire. HH to obtain additional copy of 2007 Flood Survey for HL. Clerk to obtain copy of parish – flat that could be mounted on wall. RN will arrange.

HL will contact WBC to discuss flooding issues at Brimpton Road – i.e. where houses flood as a result of decision release water to reduce risk of flooding Thatcham – where does responsibility lie/compensation etc.

13. Public Time Di reported 2 issues:
13.1 Ice on Church Hill as there is a constant stream of water coming through the tarmac between Mr Rogers and Nursery Copse. Also problem of ice/surface water in the dip by Keepers Cottage. Clerk to report to WBC.
13.2 More broken glass on the bus shelter – Clerk to action.

14. Budget & Expenditure – Clerk presented budget review and recommendations for the 2011/12 budget. Precept 2011/2012 set at £2000. This was agreed unanimously.

15. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £440.19Cr d/a £15785.38Cr
Bills to be paid Clerks salary/expenses £1034.34*
* This item was added to the agenda after posting as budget review required calculation of expenses to date. Clerk also advised that following her probationary period her salary has moved into the next band taking weekly amount paid from £33.04 to £34.64

16. Planning:
An application was received 24.1.11 and circulated for comments. Address: Mole End, Midgham Park, Midgham, Reading, Berkshire, RG7 5UG Proposal: Single storey side extension. Comments required by 10 Feb 2011. ACTION: all councillors to see and return comments to clerk

Clerk advised the following planning decisions....
10/02103/HOUSE - Plum Cottage, 19 Midgham Green, Midgham - Approved
10/02559/HOUSE & 10/02560/LBC – Hall Court, Midgham – Approved
10/01384/FULD The Barn, Old Acre, Bath Road, Midgham – Approved
10/02095/FULMAJ Highcroft Kennels, Bath Road, Midgham - Refused
17. Correspondence:
Clerk advised that the following correspondence had been received:
18.1 Rights of way Improvement Plan and working with parishes 10.1.11 - circulated
18.2 Great Poppy Party Weekend 4.1.11
18.3 Electoral Register – 1.12.10 - figures for Midgham = 127 Properties 272 Electors
18.4 District/Parish Conference Event 3 February 2011-01-19 – no interest
18.5 Winter Service Plan 2010/11 – final copy to be filed
18.6 Highway Winter Service Plan 2010/11 – final copy incl. W Berks Salt bin policy to be filed

18. Play area: Monthly check – all OK

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.28pm
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 22 February 2011


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