Midgham Parish Council Minutes November 2010 meeting
21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – angela@midghamparish.co.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 November 2010 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present were Mr H Long (Chairman)(HL), Mr R Norris (RN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL), Mrs H Hutchins (HH)
Mrs I Neill (District Councillor) (IN) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
plus 4 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Carey (JC) due to other commitments.
2. Declarations of interest – DL declared an interest re 106 monies in respect of the play area as he lives adjacent to the property.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 2 November 2010 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda – no matters arising
5. Resignation of councillor - Mrs M Rusbridge (MR) has resigned from the council. The Chairman paid tribute to the service of MR in recognition of all her hard work. The post does not have to be advertised as we are within the 6 month preceding the next election. If a suitable candidate becomes known it is permissible to co-opt.
6. Toad Hall Sewerage System - Detailed discussion re the request to install a biotech drainage system for Toad Hall on the village green followed. Key points raised were:
- Recognition & thanks to DL & RN for the enormous amount of work undertaken on this proposal
- A BT cable close to the surface was discovered. It was queried if this was legal. BT need to be consulted about repositioning this cable at an acceptable depth. Action TH.
- Tests showed that the porosity of the soil was not sufficient for a soakaway to cope and a biotech system would be the solution. DL felt that increased usage from the property and possible changes in the water table had tipped the balance.
- There is insufficient space within the boundary of the property to accommodate any new system and therefore it would need to be sited on the green. The easiest solution would be to position it as close to the boundary as possible.
- Legal agreements to be drawn up re permission and ongoing maintenance – all costs borne by T Hodges
- Posts to protect the biotech system should be considered and confirmation that the top is childproof is essential
- DL & RN to meet Saturday 27 Nov to inspect cable and agree suitable position for the proposed system
- UKDN will submit documentation to WBC in respect of env. health, building control, licence etc.
- Responsibility for ownership of the ditches raised – Clerk to investigate
- RN surprised building regs not required.
- TN thanked the council for the time spent on this issue.
- DL, RN and Clerk to meet to further discuss giving approval and appointment of a solicitor to act on our behalf. Date to be agreed.
3 members of the public left the meeting.
7. Section 106 contributions available 106 Money available £5k in respect of open spaces. These are Midgham Green, Birds Lane garden & play area. Swings/play equipment would be too expensive and liabilities too onerous & inspections too big commitment. Benches/paving/bus shelters suggested. Agreed that members should consider ideas and item be on agenda next meeting.
8. Emergency Plan
- New planning /emergency wards to be agreed
- Public snow clearing directives – note from M Edwards provided to councillors by clerk.
- Aldermaston PC emergency plan too complex – IN offered Tadley Plan as an example to look at – Clerk to circulate.
- IN raised issue of WBC getting details of vulnerable people
- Next steps – draw up a flyer for councillors to distribute in their wards – Clerk to draft and circulate for comments. Discuss at next meeting in January.
9. Village Hall – The Parish Council has received an invitation to appoint a parish councillor as a trustee for Midgham Village Hall Charity. RN is already a member of the Village Hall committee but declared an interest if he were to be the representative as he resides next door to the village hall and there may in the future be an issue of conflict. RN is happy to report back but would like to revisit who should be the representative when the council is at full strength.
10. Midgham Green – maintenance arrangements – HH has obtained a quote but it was agreed to seek an additional quote. HH will action. Public liability insurance must be held by any contractor.
11. District Councillor’s report – copy to be obtained.
12. Nursery Copse Appeal – progress is being made drawing up enforcement notice. Progress will be monitored monthly.
13. West Berkshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 Consultation Draft – no comments
14. 2010/11 Highway Winter Service Plan – Consultation – Salt bins – Clerk advised that missing bins and damages to the existing bins had been reported to WBC. No further comments
15. Public Time – Puddle by Keepers Cottage not draining / ditch Inwoods field/Lovells wood – DL/BN will investigate ditches. Drain cover to right of Hill House to be reported by Clerk.
16. Budget and expenditure review - consideration is to be given to setting precept in January.
17. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £1166.44Cr d/a £15785.38Cr
Bills to be paid none
18. Planning:
- Applications ..10/02559/HOUSE Hall Court – no objections
- Decisions ...... 10/01551/HOUSE Garth House, Midgham - Refused
..10/02201/NONMAT Hall Court (amendment to 08/00364/HOUSE) – Approval
19. Correspondence: Clerk advised that the following correspondence had been received – no comments.
18.1 Consultation regarding Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Provision in West Berkshire (email 12.11.10)
18.2 Budget simulator (email 12.11.10)
18.3 FW: CONSULTATION- West Berkshire LA Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for 2012-13
20. Play area: Monthly check – all OK.
21. Bus Stop repairs deferred pending action from the clerk
There being no further business the meeting closed
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 25 January 2011
21 Swan Drive, Aldermaston. RG7 4UZ Email – angela@midghamparish.co.uk
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 23 November 2010 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Present were Mr H Long (Chairman)(HL), Mr R Norris (RN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL), Mrs H Hutchins (HH)
Mrs I Neill (District Councillor) (IN) Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
plus 4 members of the public
1. Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Carey (JC) due to other commitments.
2. Declarations of interest – DL declared an interest re 106 monies in respect of the play area as he lives adjacent to the property.
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 2 November 2010 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising not on the agenda – no matters arising
5. Resignation of councillor - Mrs M Rusbridge (MR) has resigned from the council. The Chairman paid tribute to the service of MR in recognition of all her hard work. The post does not have to be advertised as we are within the 6 month preceding the next election. If a suitable candidate becomes known it is permissible to co-opt.
6. Toad Hall Sewerage System - Detailed discussion re the request to install a biotech drainage system for Toad Hall on the village green followed. Key points raised were:
- Recognition & thanks to DL & RN for the enormous amount of work undertaken on this proposal
- A BT cable close to the surface was discovered. It was queried if this was legal. BT need to be consulted about repositioning this cable at an acceptable depth. Action TH.
- Tests showed that the porosity of the soil was not sufficient for a soakaway to cope and a biotech system would be the solution. DL felt that increased usage from the property and possible changes in the water table had tipped the balance.
- There is insufficient space within the boundary of the property to accommodate any new system and therefore it would need to be sited on the green. The easiest solution would be to position it as close to the boundary as possible.
- Legal agreements to be drawn up re permission and ongoing maintenance – all costs borne by T Hodges
- Posts to protect the biotech system should be considered and confirmation that the top is childproof is essential
- DL & RN to meet Saturday 27 Nov to inspect cable and agree suitable position for the proposed system
- UKDN will submit documentation to WBC in respect of env. health, building control, licence etc.
- Responsibility for ownership of the ditches raised – Clerk to investigate
- RN surprised building regs not required.
- TN thanked the council for the time spent on this issue.
- DL, RN and Clerk to meet to further discuss giving approval and appointment of a solicitor to act on our behalf. Date to be agreed.
3 members of the public left the meeting.
7. Section 106 contributions available 106 Money available £5k in respect of open spaces. These are Midgham Green, Birds Lane garden & play area. Swings/play equipment would be too expensive and liabilities too onerous & inspections too big commitment. Benches/paving/bus shelters suggested. Agreed that members should consider ideas and item be on agenda next meeting.
8. Emergency Plan
- New planning /emergency wards to be agreed
- Public snow clearing directives – note from M Edwards provided to councillors by clerk.
- Aldermaston PC emergency plan too complex – IN offered Tadley Plan as an example to look at – Clerk to circulate.
- IN raised issue of WBC getting details of vulnerable people
- Next steps – draw up a flyer for councillors to distribute in their wards – Clerk to draft and circulate for comments. Discuss at next meeting in January.
9. Village Hall – The Parish Council has received an invitation to appoint a parish councillor as a trustee for Midgham Village Hall Charity. RN is already a member of the Village Hall committee but declared an interest if he were to be the representative as he resides next door to the village hall and there may in the future be an issue of conflict. RN is happy to report back but would like to revisit who should be the representative when the council is at full strength.
10. Midgham Green – maintenance arrangements – HH has obtained a quote but it was agreed to seek an additional quote. HH will action. Public liability insurance must be held by any contractor.
11. District Councillor’s report – copy to be obtained.
12. Nursery Copse Appeal – progress is being made drawing up enforcement notice. Progress will be monitored monthly.
13. West Berkshire Local Transport Plan 2011-2026 Consultation Draft – no comments
14. 2010/11 Highway Winter Service Plan – Consultation – Salt bins – Clerk advised that missing bins and damages to the existing bins had been reported to WBC. No further comments
15. Public Time – Puddle by Keepers Cottage not draining / ditch Inwoods field/Lovells wood – DL/BN will investigate ditches. Drain cover to right of Hill House to be reported by Clerk.
16. Budget and expenditure review - consideration is to be given to setting precept in January.
17. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £1166.44Cr d/a £15785.38Cr
Bills to be paid none
18. Planning:
- Applications ..10/02559/HOUSE Hall Court – no objections
- Decisions ...... 10/01551/HOUSE Garth House, Midgham - Refused
..10/02201/NONMAT Hall Court (amendment to 08/00364/HOUSE) – Approval
19. Correspondence: Clerk advised that the following correspondence had been received – no comments.
18.1 Consultation regarding Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Provision in West Berkshire (email 12.11.10)
18.2 Budget simulator (email 12.11.10)
18.3 FW: CONSULTATION- West Berkshire LA Admission Arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools for 2012-13
20. Play area: Monthly check – all OK.
21. Bus Stop repairs deferred pending action from the clerk
There being no further business the meeting closed
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 25 January 2011
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