Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Midgham Parish Council Minutes September 2010 meeting


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 28th September 2010 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present were Mr H Long (Chairman)(HL), Mrs I Neill (District Councillor) (IN)
Mr D Lombardo (DL), Carolyn Murison (West Berks Council) (CM
Mr J Carey (JC) and,), Mrs A Spoor (Clerk)
11 members of the public including Heather Hutchins (Flood Warden), Dr John Raban (The Chapel Row Community Service Group).

1. Apologies for absence were received from Mrs M Rusbridge (MR) due to other commitments.
2. Declarations of interest – None
3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 20h July 2010 and 7 Sept 2010 were approved and signed.
4. Matters arising
- Midgham Community First Responder Scheme - Request for donation of £500 was agreed. Also suggested charity tin in local pubs etc. ACTION: Clerk to investigate and raise cheque
- Village Green – It was agreed to accept the proposal from Weeds and Seeds.
ACTION: Clerk to contact Mr Awbery and establish whether he has public liability insurance.
- Brimpton Road update – Heather Hutchins reported that situation sorted – ditch dug, gullies emptied & taken away. It was noted that WBC had responded promptly. It remains the landowners responsibility to clear ditches and WBC to ensure it happens. It was agreed to review in May/June to make sure this work is done annually.

5. Emergency Planning – Chairman welcomed and thanked Carolyn Murison of West Berks Council – detailed discussion took place.
Key points:
- WBC look to parish responsibility/help for localised issues
- Main potential risks are snow/sustained cold weather/flash flooding/transport A4 and rail/infectious diseases – the risks of these are small but impact at time big especially to vulnerable
- WBC have a template but not suitable to a small community – Midgham needs a focused workable plan for it to be effective – KEEP IT SIMPLE!
- the key is knowing who can help and who can’t cope
- reference was made to the WBC website as a first point of contact in emergencies which uses a traffic light warning system
- Question from public re potential disaster at AWE – established plan is on website for reference
Plan should incorporate: Key risks / key contacts / Parish Map #1 – marking key areas/risks e.g. flood points, gullies etc. / Parish map #2 (secured and confidential but accessible) marking vulnerable people.
- it was agreed a sensible approach to split the parish into wards and appoint responsible wardens incorporating both parish councillors plus community members
Considerations – personal risk if helping / wardens may have personal problems eg flooding and be unavailable to help / payment to helpers, this issue is being looked into at present (Melvin May @ WBC) – clerk to monitor
Identify: potential evacuation points/ communication points/ available resources /links to existing social care groups – doctors/nurses/willing residents/equiptment tractors, snow ploughs, 4x4’s / overlap with ‘The Chapel Row Community Service Group (contacts: Dr John Raban & Georgina Cardy)
ACTION: Next Steps: Appoint ward members when we have a full council – Clerk to agenda
Look at Aldermaston Parish Council plan (in draft stages) for ideas – Clerk to obtain copy

6. District Councillor’s report – report to follow
Irene Neill was asked to investigate- Allison Prudden took names at the meeting she attended but no follow up.

7. Village Hall – Vivienne Davis reported: a management committee had been appointed - Mike Berry has handed over as treasurer - June Dutton is continuing in her role as a trustee.The new trustees are:

Vivienne Davis – Chairman Tricia Jacobs-Secretery
Claire Norris-Events Chairman Philip Holdway
Matthew Brooker Robert Norris

A formal letter inviting the Parish Council and the Parochial Church Council to appoint a member as a trustee will be sent to the Chairman with a reply requested within 28 days. The locks to the hall are to be changed and key procedures will be introduced.

The clerk returned the outstanding cleaning money in respect of cleaning the village hall to V Davis.

8. Resignation of councillors and vacancy for a new councillor – Clerk advised that James Ormrod and John Goddard had resigned from the council and 2 vacancies were to be advertised in accordance with the guidelines. The 14 day period in which applicants can advise the returning officer at WBC started on 27 September.

9. Nursery Copse Appeal –the matter is being pursued by legal team at WBC. A meeting is to be held 18 Oct. Irene Neill will report back. ACTION : Clerk to monitor progress

10. Public Time
In the absence of MR the clerk read out an issue raised re encroachment into agricultural land at Midgham Park. These are:
1. Midgham Park Farm - creation of fenced off gravelled area at top of field
2. West Lodge - garden extended beyond boundary
3. Gardeners Cottage - use of agricultural land as garden
The enforcement officer needs to be contacted but it was agreed to discuss this in more detail when M Rusbridge was present at the next meeting. Subsequently DL requested the details to investigate further. ACTION: Add to agenda for October meeting

Ray Disson (ex chairman) advised that Midgham domain name is up for renewal at cost of £30 – Ray was happy to arrange this. ACTION: Clerk to arrange to reimburse

Additionally the Chairman advised that the Parish Council would be receiving a letter from Tony Hodges regarding Toad Hall Sewerage system – which involves encroachment onto the village green. It was agreed to await further communication.

11. Clerks’ report:
Clerk advised that the External Audit of annual accounts was now completed with minor comments. These would be displayed on the notice boards in accordance with guidelines.

Financial statement: Current a/c £431.35 Cr Deposit a/c £15785.38Cr
The councillors present agreed the following amounts:
£140.00 Weeds and Seeds
£141.00 Mazars
£19.27 D Lombardo re post reflectors for Green
£106.00 Gardenmo

12. Planning:
- Applications – none
01732/LBC Hall Court, Midgham Green – additional drawings for information only
- Decisions – none

13. Correspondence:
The clerk advised the council that the following correspondence had been received:
13.1 Midgham Community First responder Scheme – discussed and agreed under Matters arising.
13.2 Junior Citizen of the Year Award 2010-09-23
13.3 Walk 4 Life Miles
13.4 W Berks Local Development Framework Post Submission Schedule Proposed Changes to the Core Strategy
13.5 Parish Council Elections May 2011
13.6 District/Parish Conference Event – 5 Oct 2010

14. Play area: Monthly check – all OK
15. Midgham Parish Plan – It was agreed funds set aside for the plan should be returned to the Parish Council. ACTION : Clerk to arrange with R Disson.

16. Bath Road bus shelter repair – clerk is awaiting quotation from the company who installed it. It was also suggested that we obtain a competitor quote from Thatcham Glass. ACTION: Clerk to action

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55pm

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 26th October 2010


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