Wednesday, 30 June 2010

March 2010 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 23rd March 2010 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr H Long (Chairman), Mrs M Rusbridge, Mr J Goddard, Mr D Lombardo, Mr J Carey, Mr J Ormrod, the Clerk Mrs A Spoor, Mrs E Berry (retiring Clerk) and one member of the public.

Apologies for absence were received from Mrs I Neill (District Cllr).

Declarations of interest: there were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 23rd February 2010 were read, approved and signed.

Matters arising: No matters arising - Nursery Copse discussed under District Councillors report.

Public Time: No issues raised.

Village Hall

Cleaning – Mrs Gravil has continued cleaning the hall and has left an invoice but omitted the number of hours worked. Clerk will contact her to ascertain how long she worked.
Electrical Work – Electrician has completed the requested work including PAT checks. Invoiced £434.81 Retesting due March 2011.
Committee – Mr Lombardo is still trying to gain support to re-establish a committee. Mrs Rusbridge advised that a meeting of the Village Hall Trustees would take place this week 25th March. Wendy Dacey of the Community Buildings Advice Scheme (see below) is attending to offer advice. Mrs Rusbridge will report back.
Mrs Berry raised issue that her husband Mr M Berry (MB) is acting treasurer undertaking all administration work and a replacement is urgently require as MB is leaving the area – item to be discussed at Thursdays’ meeting and Mrs Rusbridge will report back. The Parish Council recognised and noted its gratitude for Mr Berry’s valuable contributions.
Community Buildings Advice Scheme – our membership of the scheme is up for renewal £150. Again Mrs Rusbridge will discuss at Thursdays meeting and advise the clerk of the decision of whether to renew.
Loan of crockery – it was agreed that village hall crockery should not be hired out as replacing items is difficult. Mr Lombardo to notify recent interested individual.

Midgham Green:
Reflectors - Mr Lombardo still investigating reflectors for the posts. Mrs Rusbridge provided details of a potentially cheaper source. It was felt that possibly 7 would suffice, 3 on corner, 2 on parking are and 2 between.

Tree trimming – Steve Sawyer advised of intent to have trees trimmed to the edge of his property. Confirmation from Mr Lombardo that no preservation orders in existence. It was agreed that Mr Sawyer can proceed ensuring the branches in question are trimmed to the base of the limbs. Clerk to advise Mr Sawyer.
Leaf collection - Mrs Rusbridge noted that the annual contracted leaf clearing on Midgham Green hasn’t been done (ISS have contract). Clerk to action.

District Councillor’s Report – In Mrs Neill’s absence Mrs Rusbridge reported on
Nursery Copse – WBC have pre-warned that a public enquiry will be held on 18 May (official notice will be issued) regarding the certificate of lawful use. Mrs Rusbridge believes that the parish council do not need to be involved at this stage as it is likely to be a purely legal matter. Item will be carried forward to monitor progress.
Mr Ormrod raised concerns that the runoff from drains from Nursery Copse are a strange colour looking distinctly chemical.

Clerks Report and Financial Review

Financial Statement: c/a £456.54 d/a £17,815.43

Bills to be paid:
Parish Clerk quarterly remuneration and reimbursements £361.53 & £198.24.
BALC Subscription £51.22
Mrs Rusbridge – reimbursement for plants purchased £86.36
The councillors present agreed these amounts.

Date for annual village meeting to be next meeting 27 April with a short parish council meeting at 7pm. Members of the public invited from 7.30pm. Refreshments to be provided. Each councillor to send the chairman a brief paragraph with items for the Chairman’s report. It was felt that the councillors should sit at the front to field questions rather than in the audience. Sarah Preston (Community police) & Community laptop project to present.

Planning Applications –
10/00388/HOUSE Rowlands Copse – Adjacent Parish – No objections
10/00322/HOUSE Highcroft Kennels – Two storey extension – Mrs Rusbridge to investigate thoroughly as there was concern over the percentage increase of the development in line with countryside regs especially as the recent building that was granted met resistance in the planning stages. Also noted that the plans were misleading as not all plans show the recent addition to the property.

Correspondence: CCB Affordable Homes Project
Community Policing Awards 2010 – propose Sarah Preston
West Berks Proposed submission core strategy documents – further info available online
District Parish Conference Questionnaire – completed. Clerk to return.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that grass and hedges have been cut including around the bench. No problems to report.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.
Date of next meeting – 27th April 2010 at 7.00pm.


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