Wednesday 14 July 2010

June 2010 Minutes


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 29th June 2010 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Present were Mr H Long (Chairman)(HL), Mrs M Rusbridge (MR), Mr D Lombardo (DL), Mr J Goddard, the Clerk Mrs A Spoor and 8 members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence were received from J Carey and I Neill due to other commitments. J Ormrod did not attend.
2. Declarations of interest – Mr Lombardo declared an interest re Play area as he resides next door. It was agreed that Mr Lombardo should participate in the discussion but not be included in any voting..

3. Minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 25th May 2010 were read, approved and signed.
4. Matters arising:
4.1 Fire proof safe for clerk to store valuable records – to be carried forward to next month
4.2 Housing Strategy 2010-2015 – clerk advised that comments received from M Rusbridge and H Long were submitted to WBC
4.3 Town and Emergency Planning: - Clerk advised that the seminar planned for 22 June was cancelled. Discussion to identify and advise WBC of contact numbers in event of an emergency – identified concerns over using ward members already allocated for planning purposes may mean that the councillors may not be aware of who the ‘vulnerable’ people as the area is not their immediate neighbourhood and also that the Councillors may not always be present in the village at a time of emergency. MR suggested that we ask the question of the village – who wants to be involved and that we consider a cascade system to communicate by phone.
Resolved: The Chairman advised that we would like to get a representative from WBC to come to a meeting to talk about the Emergency Planning issues. Item to be added to agenda at future meeting.

5. Risk Assessment Document review – was reviewed and agreed
6. District Councillor’s report - - the District Councillor was not present.

7. Nursery Copse Appeal – MR gave a brief summary of the Inspectors report and was thanked again for attending the Inquiry. The Inspectors decision was that the appeal was dismissed. The Inspector concluded after the 3 day hearing that the Council’s deemed refusal to grant a certificate of lawful use or development in respect of a hard surfaced farmyard was well founded and the appeal should fail. The appeals for costs by both West Berks Council and the appellant were also refused.
The Parish Council are still keen to meet with WBC to discuss the next steps and whether an enforcement notice to dig up the hard standing was to be issued. This would be the 3rd attempt for WBC to issue a notice.
Resolved: Clerk to action the meeting

8. Brimpton Road: Mrs Hutchins from Brimpton Road kindly gave an update on the flooding problems they have experienced – flooded 10 times and in 2007 they had to move out of their houses – insurance premiums are now very high – the ditch which should have been dredged has not been touched for the last 3 years and is now overgrown. A meeting with Jon Winstanley from WBC was held on18 June – attended by HL, Mrs Hutchins, John Barber and Chris Ashfield. Responsibility for the ownership of the ditch was questioned – subsequently this has been identified as Mr Michael Goddard who is away on holiday at present. On his return WBC will contact Mr Goddard and raise the obligation to clear the ditch – if no action a notice will be served to this effect. MR raised the issue that plans do exist to deliberately allow these fields to flood to prevent Thatcham flooding by controlling the canal – the question was raised where responsibility (i.e. financial loss) lies in this eventuality especially as residents would be responsible to pay their personal insurance excess (3.5K)
Resolved: Mrs Hutchins has agreed to act as our warden on flooding issues and she will inform her neighbours. Clerk to investigate issue of potential financial loss if deliberate flooding of this area was considered by WBC.

9. Public Time – Village Hall – see below item
Miss Di HIbberd reported the following:
Noted that Cox’s Lane looks good following its recent resurfacing but the grass on the corner could do with cutting.
Resolved: Clerk to raise with WBC.

A branch has been broken on a tree on Midgham Green –
Resolved: HL will investigate.

The fire hydrant/drain opposite the entrance to Midgham Park has been seen to be leaking regularly. Resolved: Clerk to advise Water board.

10. Village Hall:
10.1 Update from meeting 24 June - a group of volunteers are to form a committee, draw up a business plan looking at entertainments / social events that could make use of the hall and present it to the trustees. The members of this committee attended this meeting to keep the Parish Council aware of developments and to obtain the support from the Council – this was given. Legal entities were clarified as follows: The managing trustees of the village hall are June Dutton, Moira Rusbridge and Ray Disson. The Parish Council is the holding trustee – with the hall owned by the Charities Commission. Resolved: Plan will be drawn up and presented to the trustees in due course.
Scott Hutchins (son of Mrs Heather Hutchins) raised the concern about lack of suitable sporting opportunities in Midgham which necessitated children going to other towns to play sport. Much discussion followed about the previous football pitch.
Resolved DL will find out about the Woolhampton football pitch (beyond the Rowbarge) which was reinstated last year and will report back
10.2 Cleaning of hall – the clerk would like to look at alternative ways to arrange payment for cleaning of the hall
Resolved : Clerk to contact the hall treasurer to arrange and will advise the trustees

11. Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £422.82Cr d/a £17385.38Cr
Bills to be paid £104.00 Gardenmo
£150.00 Citizens Advice Bureau
The councillors present agreed these amounts.

12. Planning:
- Applications 10/01384/FUL The Barn, Old Acre, Bath Road – Section 73. Variation of conditions 8, detailed drainage plan and 9. Soakage tests for reference 08/01877/FULD – No objections
- Decisions 10/00360/CERTP Construction of Pickleball Court - Certificate of Lawfulness granted – the council noted that this application had not been seen by the council when it was submitted.
Resolved: Clerk to investigate.

The following planning application was exceptionally added to the agenda at the meeting as received just prior to the meeting after the agenda was published.

Adjoining parish aplication – 10/01430 Mulberry House, Carbinswood Lane – Erection of proposed pool building. This application stems from a previously refused scheme 09/00124/HOUSE a decision that was subsequently upheld at appeal. The council discussed briefly the application - MR wished to look at previous papers before passing a decision whilst all other councillors were satisfied with the application.

13. Correspondence:
CPRE membership renewal – refused by vote at meeting
Preparing for Emergencies booklet – agreed to re agenda this item when people have received copies
WBC District Parish Conference 19 July – no one wishing to attend

14. Play area:
Decision re equipment request – item deferred to September meeting
Monthly check – all OK

15. Midgham Green:
Reflectors for posts update – DL has obtained these and will install them himself. Invoice to be sent to clerk for reimbursement of costs.

Cutting of the Green/contract for work – Clerk advised that she has been unable to contact ISS Waterers who are contracted to look after the green – emails and calls have been ignored. Clerk to continue to chase & resolve.

Date of next meeting 20 July 2010 – brought forward to 3rd Tuesday of month in view of holiday commitments


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