Monday, 21 July 2008


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday May 27th 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr J Ormrod, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr S Sawyer, the Clerk Mrs.E Berry and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr J Goddard and Mrs I Neill.

Declarations of interest: None

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising: There were none.

Public time: There were no points raised.

District Councillor’s Report: None made as the District Councillor was not present.

Village Hall: T he chairman explained that the hall committee no longer exists as the Hall Chairman was unable to continue and there are insufficient volunteers to continue with the rest of the duties. The councillors were unanimous that every effort should be made to maintain a hall for the village although it is currently not possible to keep it open so a letter will be sent to all parishioners asking for volunteers to serve on an interim committee.
The village hall survey was also discussed together with the various alternatives for building a new hall.
The Chairman had been in contact with Dreweatt Neate who can draw up a feasibility study with a view to achieving planning permission for a new hall. This would involve selling the existing hall and the children’s play area, and building a new hall on an alternative site, although a site has yet to be identified. WBC has indicated that planning permission would only be possible if the three applications are submitted together as they have to consider significant community enhancement.
The initial fee for the study would be £1750 plus vat but there would be additional significant costs if the proposals move on to more detailed planning stages.
It was also noted that definitive proposals will have to be presented to the village and that at all stages, the development must be wholly for the benefit of the village.
The councillors voted 4-1 in favour of commissioning the feasibility study. In the meantime the hall will remain closed as there is no one to run it.

West Berkshire Planning – Local Development Framework: The Chairman and Mrs Rusbridge had attended a meeting and reported that WBC will be reassessing the boundaries for each parish. The changes could have an effect on the planning process. The chairman circulated an information pack and asked for comments back within the next 7 days.

Dr Markham: The Chairman and Mr Ormrod had held a meeting with Dr Markham to discuss his complaint regarding a planning application. Following this meeting the Chairman wished to state that if individuals discuss or communicate matters which have been discussed by the parish council, they must make it clear whether they are acting personally, or on behalf of Midgham Parish Council, as a matter of best practice. A further statement will be drafted for the next parish meeting.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a 1019.98 d/a £17560.01

Bills to be paid Manscape Garden Services for 2007 £556.05. Clerk will request that in future the contractor removes the cut grass after mowing.
Sane Planning in the South East – councillors decided not to join.
Citizens Advice Bureau – a donation of £150 was agreed.
Community Council for Berkshire membership £30.
Open Spaces Society £30.
Parish Clerk Salary and reimbursements £507.74.
Parish Council Insurance £353.57 New quote accepted from Came & Co.

The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.


New applications:
08/00648 Spire Ridge Kennels - no objections as long as there is only one residential property.

08/00363/Hall Court - Approved
08/00361/Hall Court - Approved

Ramblers Work Party – clerk to ask them to pay particular attention to footpath number 3.

Play Area No problems to report.

Midgham Green: Steve and Moira will mark out the path again so that Mr Lovell can start work.

Parish Plan: Hanslip Long, Tricia Jacobs and Matthew Brooker have volunteered to work on the parish plan. Ray and Steve will organise a preliminary meeting.

Any Other Business

Clerk to chase up the repairs to the seat on the green.
Steve to buy and fit new window for the notice board.

Election of Chairman: Mr Disson was unanimously elected Chairman for the next 12 months. He duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.
The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 24th June 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


Blogger Edward Page said...

Regarding the Village Hall. Maybe I am missing something but if the Village Hall is closed due to a lack of volunteers to both man and run the hall, then spending money,£1750 + vat and much more later, for a feasibility study seems the wrong thing to do until it has been established that a new Village Hall is want the village wants as nobody seems to be interested in the old hall. It would be folly to sell,seek planning,buy land, build a new hall which could remain closed due to lack of volunteers again.

Edward Page. April Cottage,Birds Lane, Midgham.

4:31 pm  

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