Wednesday, 21 October 2009

September 2009 Parish Council Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday September 22nd 2009 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr J Goddard, Mr D Lombardo, Mr H Long, the Clerk Mrs. E Berry, and two members of the public.

Clerk apologised for bringing the meeting forward by one week.

Election of Chairman Mr H Long agreed to become chairman until such time as someone else comes forward and he was unanimously elected.

Councillor resignation Mr Disson had tended a letter of resignation effective immediately. Mr Long expressed thanks on behalf of the council for his work as a councillor and as a past Chairman. Mr Long will speak to Mr Ormrod to clarify his position.

Apologies for absence apologies were received from Mrs Rusbridge and Mrs Neill.

Declarations of interest: there were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 25th August 2009 were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

Hedges on one side of School Hill have been cut but the other side and by ‘Hambledown’ are still overgrown. Clerk will write to WBC or owners depending on who has responsibility.
Midgham Green – councillors to inspect again before next meeting and discuss further then.
Village Hall – New vacuum has been purchased and Mr Lombardo has cleaned the hall. Mr Long thanked him for his hard work.
Request for volunteers – clerk to reissue draft for further comment.

Public Time

Parish Plan – money to be left in the account until such time as the committee reforms.
Thanks expressed for the hedge cutting on School Hill and Bath Rd.

District Councillor’s Report – Mrs Neill was not present.

Feedback from District Parish Meeting – None available as Mrs Rusbridge not present.

Budget & Expenditure Review Budget document was circulated and clerk drew councillors attention to monies in respect of church bollards and also bus shelters, which is being held in the account but which may need reallocation within the budget. To be discussed at the next meeting.

Village Hall – Discussed earlier in the meeting.

Clerks’ report: Financial statement: c/a £722.32 d/a £18,096.62

Bills to be paid: £94.00 Gardenmo
£161.00 Mazars
The councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

Planning Applications
09/01032/HOUSE Vista, Birds Lane – Detached Garage - Refused
09/01411/FUL Orchard Cottage, Bath Road – Removal of condition – Allowed

Nursery Copse – Planning Appeal hearing started today and was adjourned subject to the Inspectors decision on the nullity or otherwise of the enforcement notice. Miss Hibberd wished to record her thanks to Mrs Rusbridge for attending and speaking at the hearing.
Hearing likely to recommence 12 January 2010.

Correspondence: WBC Junior Citizen of the Year Award – request for nominations.
WBC Questionnaire about flooding – clerk to reply that Midgham do not wish to enrol for workshops. Councillors felt that it is the district council’s responsibility to lead in this area, as they have funding for it.
CPRE Bradfield AGM on 13 October 2009.

The clerk mentioned that as she will be moving out of the area within the next 6 months, the council may wish to start looking for a replacement to facilitate a smooth takeover. Clerk to advertise locally.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems and noted that the hedge has been cut lower as requested.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.

Date of next meeting – to be arranged.


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