Wednesday, 24 March 2010

January 2010 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 26th 2010 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr H Long (Chairman), Mrs M Rusbridge, Mr J Goddard, Mr D Lombardo, Mr J Carey, the Clerk Mrs E Berry, and four members of the public.

Apologies for absence were received from Mr J Ormrod.

Declarations of interest: there were none.

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th November 2009 were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:

The Chairman discussed problems following recent heavy snowfall, and some flooding. He reported that two residents are considering taking up the post of flood warden, both of them live in Midgham marsh being the most affected area. The warden would liaise with WBC.
Councillors noted that there are currently 2 salt bins, one on the A4 and one near the church. Agreed to purchase two further bins – one for Windmill Rd/School Hill and one for Midgham Green.

Parish Clerk Vacancy – adverts have been placed in 3 parish magazines and will also be placed with NALC and in the Newbury Weekly News as the only candidate for the post has now withdrawn.

Public Time

Two drains in Church Hill are blocked – clerk to report to WBC.

Village Hall

Cleaning – Mr Lombardo will liaise with Mrs Gravil to arrange for cleaning to be carried out. Payments to be made at no more than £30 per month.
Electrical Work – quotes were discussed and councillors agreed to instruct Thorne Electrical to carry out the work. Proposed H Long, Seconded M Rusbridge.
Accounts – discussed and signed. Noted that the Village Hall is running at a deficit as costs exceed revenue. Trustees to be asked to assess the situation and report to Parish Council. Councillors also to consider the future of the hall and discuss at the next meeting.

Midgham Green

Councillors agreed a document for issue to Midgham Green residents.
Mr Lombardo will contact Mike Inwood to arrange for the new posts to be fitted.
Clerk will order new notices.

District Councillor’s Report – District Councillor not present.

Budget & Expenditure – Precept 2010/2011

Councillors discussed the budget document and agreed a precept of £2000 for 2010/11. Proposed H Long, Seconded J Carey.

Clerks Report and Financial Review

Financial Statement: c/a £148.34 d/a £19,915.43

Bills to be paid: Odin Manners £601.39
The councillors present agreed this amount.

Mr Carey agreed to become a second signatory for the parish account.


New applications: 09/02266/FUL Bailiffs House – no objections.
Decisions: 09/01151/FUL Nightfreight Ltd. Conditional Approval
09/02238/HOUSE Glencot – Conditional Approval
09/02266/FUL Bailiffs House – Approved
09/02297/LBC 43 Bird’s Lane - Approved

Pang, Kennet & Lambourne Valleys Countryside Project – councillors decided not to make a donation as Midgham Parish not directly involved in this project.
Letter of thanks from St Matthew’s PCC.
WBC District Parish Conference dates – next event 17 March 2010.
Birds of Berkshire Atlas – councillors decided not to make a donation.
Thames Valley Police Conference on Rural Crime – Hanslip will attend.
JSPU Withdrawal of Berks Minerals & Waste Core Strategy – clerk to query this.
West Berks Heritage Forum AGM 9th March 2010.
West Berks Restorative Justice – agreed to ask them to take over cleaning of bus shelters.

Play Area – Mr Lombardo reported that there are no problems except that the bushes around the bench need to be cut back.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.

Date of next meeting – 23rd February 2010 at 7.30pm.


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