Saturday, 23 February 2008

MIDGHAM PARISH COUNCIL-Minutes Tuesday January 22nd 2008 (Unapproved)

Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday January 22nd 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr.S.Sawyer (Vice Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mr. J. Ormrod, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr. J Goddard, Mrs I.Neill (District Councillor) and the Clerk Mrs.E Berry. Also present were two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr.R Disson.

Declarations of interest: Mr Sawyer declared an interest in the trees on Midgham Green, being a resident of the area.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:
Flooding issues: A general reply had been received from British Waterways that failed to address specific issues. The clerk was asked to contact them again to ask them to keep the council up to date with their implementations and to report back on the results. Mrs Neill agreed to check with WBC to see if they have had any contact with British Waterways.
Annual Village Meeting: The Chairman will produce the review document for 2007 and consider a guest speaker.

Public time: No points were raised

District Councillor’s Report:
Mrs Neill reported that she had attended a Holocaust memorial event that day to commemorate the work of Nicholas Winton.
WBC will be producing a report on flooding and the contingency plan.
The new waste contract will be signed soon. Most residents will receive 5 bins in order to sort their waste into bottles, paper & card, rubbish, green waste, and cans and plastic bottles.
Paices Hill recycling site has still not reopened as WBC is waiting for CCTV to be installed.
An ‘options for delivering new homes’ meeting is being arranged and parish councils will be invited to attend.
Investigations are ongoing with regard to Nursery Copse and it was noted that vehicles are still being moved around the site.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a 546.39 d/a £16956.20
Bills to be paid Mrs M Cowdery £25.00 frame for parish map
The Councillors present approved this amount for payment.

Payments: Mrs. M. Cowdery £378.58 salary + £12.88 expenses = £391.46
HM Revenue and Customs £106.92
New applications:
07/02665 Church View Farm Extension. There appear to be no grounds on which to object as similar permission has been granted nearby.
07/02432 Berkshire Arms new illuminated totem sign – approved with reduction in
size to 3m.
The case officer’s report and approval of an application by Midgham Landfill was circulated to the councillors.
Postwatch. Reply received concerning plans to close Chapel Row Post Office
Thames Valley Police Neighbourhood Action Group – Invitation received to attend Conference on 26 February, however it will not be possible to attend as it clashes with a Parish Council meeting.
Next Neighbourhood Action Group meeting will be on 13 March 2008.

Light Pollution - Concerns had been raised by a parishioner about new external lighting at Hill
House. The clerk has written to WBC to seek information about their policy on light
pollution. There was also a discussion about a new access that has been opened up at Hill
House and the clerk was asked to write to the owner to confirm that it is temporary.
District Parish Conference – Councillors would like to raise the issue of Live/Work units.
Social Enterprise Berkshire – workshop for village halls- passed to Village Hall secretary.
Consultation document on Standards for councils – circulated to councillors.
Replacement seat by church – Clerk has placed order and will advise councillors when it is
due for delivery.

Play Area No problems reported.
New Play Equipment – Mr Ormrod will investigate new equipment and costs. Mrs Neill will find out from WBC if funds might be available from S106.

Midgham Green:
Several quotations for the work on Midgham Green have been received. There was a lengthy discussion on their relative merits but councillors did not feel that they had sufficient information on which to make a decision. It was agreed that the clerk would contact PJ Lush and Oakey and invite them to meet the councillors again to clarify one or two points. A decision would then be made at the February meeting.

Cox’s Lane/Bird’s Lane one way system - The councillors were not supportive of this suggestion and felt that it would cause too much disruption to local road users. The clerk was asked to write to WBC concerning potholes in Cox’s Lane and damaged grass verges .

Village Hall Report: There were no changes to report since the last meeting. Arrangements have been made for Ray Disson to attend their next meeting. It was noted that the light sensors over the door need adjusting.

Mr Ormrod noted that a number of trees have fallen over on the southside of school hill. He will speak to the owner to see if any action can be taken to prevent further falls.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 26 February 2008 at 7.30 p.m.


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