Friday 21 March 2008

MPC Minutes Tuesday February 26th 2008

Present were Mr R Disson (Chairman),Mr.S.Sawyer (Vice Chairman), Mr. D. Lombardo, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, Mr. J Goddard, the Clerk Mrs.E Berry and one member of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr. Ormrod and Mrs I Neill.

Declarations of interest: None

Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:
Annual Village Meeting: 24 April 2008.The Chairman had recently attended a village hall committee meeting where the future of the hall was discussed at length, in relation to future maintenance costs and possible relocation. The subject would therefore be put on the agenda for the village meeting in order to bring it to a much wider audience to canvass views.
Flooding issues: The clerk had made a report back to WBC but no further information had been received.
Hill House: owners had confirmed that the new access is temporary for building access. Clerk to write to ask how long building works are likely to take.
Parish Planning Meeting: Sat 8th March. Mrs Rusbridge may be able to attend.
Post Watch: reply received thanking us for comments on possible closure of Chapel Row post office.
Parish websites: Mr Sawyer had attended a meeting to provide information about help with setting them up and help with drafting parish plans.
West Grange Hotel: Clerk to contact WBC as an entrance has been opened up into Cox’s Lane for which permission may not have been given.

Public time: Miss Hibberd thanked the council for the new seat by the church and stated that the hedge cutting has been carried out.

District Councillor’s Report: the councillor was not present.

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement: c/a 1112.59 d/a £16145.01

Bills to be paid Orchard Street Furniture for the new seat £469.64
Clerks salary £404.58 and £93.87 expenses £498.45

The Councillors present approved these amounts for payment.

New applications:
07/02760/Change of use of outbuildings of West Grange Hotel-no objection but comments made.
O8/00034/Demolition of garage & replacement with new garage & studio 43 Birds Lane-no objection.
07/00969/Mole End Additional site plan for information
08/00299/HOUSE/Midgham Park Cottages single storey extension. In circulation to councillors.
Decisions: 07/02470/Land at Midgham landfill site - Approved
Stopping Up Order April Cottage. A query was raised regarding whether fencing and vehicular access is in accordance with planning permission. Clerk to contact WBC to check.
Church View Farm.Case officers report received. Permission granted.


District Parish Conference 10 March Mrs Rusbridge may be able to attend together with
Mr Disson.
Housing & Supporting Strategies Consultation Event 10th March. None of the councillors will be able to attend.

Play Area No problems to report

Allotments Clerk will check with WBC to see if any of the allotments at Woolhampton belong to
Midgham parish

Midgham Green: Councillors had met further with two contractors and further quotes had been received. Mrs Rusbridge proposed that the quote from Lush be accepted and the councillors agreed, dependent upon one more piece of information which Mr Disson agreed to obtain.
Mrs Rusbridge will arrange for the plaque to be replaced on the new seat outside the church.
Ray proposed that the quote for £95 for repairs to the seat on the green be accepted and Mrs Rusbridge seconded. Clerk will arrange for work to commence.
It was reported that lorries and cars were seen driving across the green on 15th February. The chairman asked that anyone who sees this happening should try to make a note of the number plate or the name on the lorry.
The turning circle needs to be re-marked and the clerk will write to Mr Lovell to ask for a date for the commencement of work to the paths on the green.

Village Hall Report:

As previously mentioned the chairman had attended the last meeting, and a number of options had been discussed which will be brought up at the village meeting.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th March 2008 at 7.30 p.m.

Mr Goddard announced that there will be an organ recital at the church on Saturday 1st March to raise money for the organ fund.


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