Friday 14 December 2007


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 27th November 2007 7.30 pm

Present were Mr. R. Disson (Chairman), Mr. S. Sawyer (Vice Chairman), Mr. J. Goddard, Mr. J. Ormrod, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, the Clerk Mrs. M. Cowdery and two members of the public.

Apologies were received from Mr. D. Lombardo who was unwell, and Mrs. I. Neill (District Councillor) who was attending a meeting at WBC

Declarations of interest:
None were declared

The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:
Flooding issues:– Mr. Disson had spent two hours with Andrew Reynolds from WBC walking
around Midgham Marsh, Church Hill and Brimpton Road inspecting all the ditches and drainage culverts, with a view to having them all cleaned so that future flooding of the area could be minimised. Mr. Reynolds requested that the findings of the meeting be put in writing so that remedial work could be implemented.
Response from British Waterways: a full report into flooding issues is awaited

Highways matters:
Resurfacing of new Road Hill: the works promised for early November have yet to start.
Works on A4/ Church Hill junction: works to improve this junction are imminent.

Public time:
No matters raised

Appointment of new Clerk:
One person has applied for the post of clerk to the council. It was agreed to invite her to the Village Hall on Friday 30th November at 11.00 a.m. to be interviewed by Mr. Disson and Mr. Sawyer. After much discussion it was decided, that should she be appointed, she start on SCP 15 on the NALC payscale. If, after six months, she proved to be satisfactory and had attended training courses, her salary would be increased to SPC 17 of the NALC payscale.

Parish Plan update:
No progress reported

Clerk’s report:
Financial statement c/a £200.30 d/a £17,256.20
An insurance quote from Came and Co. will be received in April.
Preliminary discussions took place for setting the 2008/09 precept.
Village hall funding – the Councillors were concerned about the amount of money being held by the PC for expenditure on Village Hall projects. It was decided to write to the Chairman of the Village Hall Committee to ask him to come to the next meeting of the PC to explain why work was not progressing on the new pathway, and what future projects are planned.
Bus shelters: It has been agreed by Paul Hyde from WBC that the £10,800 allocated as part of the S106 agreement for Spire Ridge application no. 06/02147, can be used to replace the bus shelters on the A4. Contact should be made with Mr. Hyde in March to implement the acquisition of the new shelters.

New applications:
07/02470 Midgham Quarry carry out works without compliance with conditions 5 and 26 object
07/02111 Carlettdene, Church Hill extensions approved
07/01516 Hallcourt Farm, New Road Hill change of use for tennis court refused

WBC Winter Service Plan
Sustainable Strategy – A Breath of Fresh Air
CPRE Voice
Local Council Review
Clerks and Councils Direct

Midgham Green renovations:
Mr. Ormrod is awaiting a quotation for works on Midgham Green; Mrs. Rusbridge has two quotations and Mr. Disson is awaiting a quotation. These will be discussed at the next meeting.
A letter had been received from a resident of Midgham Green complaining about someone intimidating her visitors while they were parked on the Green. Mr. Disson had penned a reply, which was approved by the Councillors.

Midgham Green seat repair:
Mr. Ormrod is awaiting a quotation for the repair of the seat on Midgham Green.

New seat by church:
Mr. Ormrod and Mrs. Rusbridge were authorised to spend £500 on a new seat to be put by the church gate.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 18th December 2007 at 7.30 pm


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