Friday 14 September 2007

Parish Council Minutes July 07 (Approved)


Minutes of the meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday July 24th 2007 at 7.30 p.m.

Present were Mr. R. Disson (Chairman), Mr. J. Goddard, Mr. D. Lombardo, Mrs. M. Rusbridge, the Clerk Mrs. M. Cowdery, the District Councillor Mrs. I Neill, and thirteen members of the public, including Mr. J. Ormrod, one of the applicants for the vacancy on the Parish Council.

Apologies were received from Mr Sawyer who was abroad on business, and Mr. J. Carey one of the applicants for the vacancy on the Parish Council

Co-option of new Councillor:
There were two applications to fill the vacancy on the Council. The Councillors withdrew to discuss the merits of the two applicants. After discussion, Mr. Disson proposed that Mr. Ormrod be invited to join the Council. This proposal was seconded by Mr. Lombardo .The other Councillors unanimously accepted this proposal.
Mr. Disson invited Mr. Ormrod to join the Council, and he duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Declarations of interest:
Mr. Disson declared an interest in the planning application for Wisteria Cottage, Old Acre, being a neighbour.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read approved and signed.

Matters arising:
Code of Conduct training report - Mrs. Rusbridge attended the Code Of Conduct training session at WBC, and reported that it had been both useful and informative.
Area Forum report - Mrs. Rusbridge reported on the Area Forum meeting she had attended at Aldermaston, where she raised the problem of heavy vehicles using Midgham Roads as short cuts to Bucklebury and Bradfield.
Freight Route Survey response forms – each Councillor had been supplied with a response form and urged to fill it in and return it to WBC by the deadline of 31st August. The Clerk would complete a response form on behalf of the Parish Council.

Parish Plan update:
No progress has been made to date.

District Councillor:
Mrs. Neill reported that members of WBC were working non-stop at the moment following the recent flooding in Thatcham and surrounding areas.
WBC Officers dealing with Nursery Copse had met with Barristers on July 18th, but there was nothing to report at the moment.

Clerks’ report:
Financial statement: - ca/ £157.24 d/a £14,823.90
Payments: CAB £150.00 donation - as agreed at last meeting
WBC £100.00 election expenses
These payments were approved by Councillors.
Receipts: SSE £86.16 back pay for wayleave on Midgham Green

New applications:
07/01516 Hallcourt Farm change of use of land to construct a tennis court – this new application will be circulated to Councillors for comment. Councillors will also visit the site, by arrangement with the applicant.
07/01178 Land at Hallcourt Farm Estate – telecomms. Compound
amended plans received to reduce the size of the compound.
The PC objected to the plans, as it was thought to be out of character for the area.

Stopping up order:
April Cottage, Birds Lane – new order received.
The PC decided not to comment on the new order.

07/01044 Hallcourt Farm – change of use of land and construction of tennis court
withdrawn 07/00882 West Grange Hotel. extension providing seven extra bedrooms
granted Amendments:
07/01222 Wisteria Cottage, Old Acre – no further comments were lodged
Highcroft Kennels – demolition of existing log store and erection of machine store/office- Dismissed

WBC Parish bids for Highway and Transport Capital Programme – the Clerk was asked to ascertain what sort of things could be included.

A4 Corridor study, Newbury to Reading schemes of work –work on Brimpton/Midgham crossroads will start in October

Highway Improvement Schemes – New Road Hill is scheduled to be resurfaced in the 2007/08 programme of works.

Review of Polling Stations – Midgham Village Hall has been deemed as unsuitable for use as a polling station by WBC, because of poor access for the disabled, and poor parking facilities. The Clerk was asked to write to WBC to inform them of remedial works that are being carried out.

BALC :New Councillor training day on Sept 22nd at Reading University 10 til 3.30
Mr. Ormrod would like to attend this event. Mr. Sawyer would be invited to attend also.

Clerks and Councils Direct
Local Council Review
CPRE Countryside Voice

Maintenance of Midgham Green:
A quotation has been received from Darrin Vass for the remedial works on Midgham Green. It was agreed to accept the quotation of £633.40 to dig out the ditch, and use the arisings to form a bank. Other work would entail the installation of 3’ x 6” Ø posts around the edge of the Green to prevent vehicular parking, at the same time reducing the width of the path to 3m.
The residents would be informed of the work to be carried out.

Public time:
Mr. Pike raised the matter of the recent flooding, and asked the Council what could be done to prevent a re-occurrence. The matter was discussed, and items mentioned that contribute to the problem included the concreting of what was marshy areas at Nursery Copse, and culverts near the railway bridge being either too small or being blocked.
The Clerk was asked to contact Andrew Reynolds at WBC to bring his attention to the continuing problem.
Mr. Lombardo is concerned that planning conditions on two properties in Goddards Drive have not been adhered to. The Clerk was asked to check with WBC whether the conditions are still live.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.

The next meeting will be held in the village Hall on Tuesday August 28th 2007 at 7.30 p.m.


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